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Where Xiao learned to understand Childe's actions because he also obeys his Archon's orders in absolute.

Cue, post–Osial, Childe visiting the Wangshu Inn after a debt collecting which, did not end with a bloodbath.


How disappointing. Childe thinks solemnly. Not only was the debt collecting peaceful, he had no other outlet to let his emotions out on. He already massacred majority of the monsters near the inn who which, has sensed his bloodlust before going into hiding.

Speaking of bloodlust, there's a spear pointed on his nape at the moment, and whoever it is, is radiating... bloodlust. Yet, there's no killing intent. How strange.

Worthy opponent, but it will do more harm than good with the current diplomatic relations between Snezhnaya and Liyu—

He wasn't able to finish his thoughts before he felt a sting on his nape, a string of blood falling from where the spear slightly dug on his skin.

Childe did his best to hold off his instincts.

“ Hey now, there's no need for violence. It's unbelievable coming from me, but I mean no harm, currently. ”

He knows this adeptus. Zhongli spoke fondly of this one in one of his many tales regarding Liyue's Yakshas.

“ How can I trust your words? ”

Xiao. The conqueror of demons, Rex Lapis's remaining Yaksha.

Smiling slightly, Childe raised his hands up trying to discern to the shorter man that he has no weapons in posession.

“ My hands are empty. My bow is currently in the room I am staying in. I have no business left in Liyue other than remaining as a diplomat in the Northland Bank. ”

There's no reason to hide his purpose anymore. After the whole ordeal, the Adeptus surely knows everything from Zhongli.

Although, since the traveler and their companion are friends with the Adeptus, Paimon's loose—lips probably told him about the "evil Harbinger" who caused it, and who harmed them.

Contract or not, if your friend gets harmed you'd do something about it.

Ah, he envies the traveler for having friends like that.

There was a long pause and the prolong of the tension in the air before he feels the spear be put down, and the air radiating off the man disappear. It seems like the Adeptus saw truth in his words.

Turning around and putting his elbows on the railings, Childe looked at the Yaksha.

“ Other than that... greeting, is there anything you need, Adeptus Xiao? ”

The other stared at Childe.

Childe stared back.


Well this is awkward.

“ I needed to ascertain that you were indeed no trouble for the inn after annahilating all of the monsters near it.

Took you long enough to reply.

Childe thought.

“ With all due respect, I'm known to be bloodthirsty. This isn't uncommon. ”

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