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6423 (915). The Pechenegs entered the land of Rus' for the first time,

but when they made peace with Igor', they went their way to the Danube.

6424-6428 (916-920). Romanus was set up as Emperor in Greece. Igor'

waged war against the Pechenegs.                                                                      

Twenty Year Lacuna of Prince Igor' (Ivar)                                                             

6429-6437 (921-929). Symeon attacked Tsar'grad and ravaged Thrace.

6438-6442 (930-934). The Magyars attacked Tsar'grad for the first time.

6443-6449 (935-941). Igor' attacked the Greeks, and the Bulgarians sent

word to the Emperor that the Hraes' were advancing upon Tsar'grad with

ten thousand vessels.                                                                                                   

Appended from the Hraes' Primary Chronicle

The Twenty Year Lacuna of Prince Igor/Ivar coincides with the appearance,

out of nowhere, of King Harde Knute I of Denmark, and so begins the return

of King Frodi's Anglish Danish offspring, the 'Old' Fridleif/Frode Skioldung Line

of Kings, to rule again in Denmark. Their stories are told in the Hraes' Primary

Chronicle and in Book Six of The Nine Books of the Danish History of Saxo


Brian Howard Seibert

(932 AD)  At summer's end, King Ivar returned to Kiev from Constantinople and told Queen Helga that negotiations had not gone well there. They had learned that the Romans were planning to begin tithing the Hraes' on their goods that flowed across the Black Sea to Roman lands. Prince Erik had managed to stall talks for a while, but a permanent solution would have to be found and it would likely involve another attack upon Miklagard. Helga then told Ivar that their attempt at making offspring in the spring had failed and no son stirred within her. So, they worked at it some more until Ivar had to leave on the tail end of his merchant fleet. Helga begged him to winter over in Gardar, but Ivar reminded her that slaves had to be rounded up in Europe over winter for the next trading season. And, even though his father, Prince Erik, kept claiming that winters were getting warmer, overwintering in Hraes' was a bitterly cold experience. His father ruled in Tmutorokan on the Black Sea coast where winters were relatively balmy, but winters in Kiev were still deadly. It was warmer than when Ivar was a child and the winters were getting noticeably shorter, but the extreme cold took thousands of lives every season and was particularly hard on the poor and the slaves.

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