Episode #5: The Convocation.

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It was the time of meal and I was so adopted at eating it as I was so much Hungry; eating meat along with my friends that one Warrior showed up by opening the Gate of the Dinning Hall. I was seeing him as I was facing the site he was on, first he searched and as he sees me he aimed at our table,

"We've got company." I said by seeing at my meal and with my mouth stuffed. My Friends become alerted at that time the Warrior was here, He gave a heavy thug on his chest and by placing the other paw on his heart site he continued with very respect,

" Sorry, to Disturb your appetite but Sir, it's Urgent and Prince Victor had called you and your friends for important Convocation." He said seeing at me first but then stares to us all.

"When ?" nodded Jaguar.

"Now !" informed the Warrior.

I stand up and said, "We are coming." by see me standing all my friends also join me and we leave our meal and start following the Warrior out of the Dinning Hall, where he join two more Warriors.

"Why the Prince Victor have called us?" asked Hurracius.

"Well, He mentioned that .....Dumb." replied Jaguar. Hurracius just gave him a Angry Look.

"I know, he called us to discuss the matter of War because the Independence day is only 7 days, 18 hours and 25 seconds ahead." informed Kalima as he was getting thoughts from the Future.

"You are right my friend they want to discuss the preparations for the War." I said by judging the future.

At this time we have entered the royal chamber which goes straight to the Meeting Hall. At the end of the chamber there were two more Warriors standing who were probably be there for the security Purposes.

"Mec I can sense the presence of all senior members including the Princess." said Hurracius by sniffing in Air.

"Then today is the big day My Friends, Don't Over react you got me." I mentioned my terms to them. At that time we have reached at the Gate of the Meeting Hall and when those two Warriors sees us they greet with joy,

"Welcome to the Meeting Hall." and then they opened the Gate. We entered the Meeting hall without noticing that everyone was staring at us,this gives boost to my heart. I see to my Friends they were standing there in surprise with their cheeks 'Red as the Tomatoes', like someone gave them a blush on.

There we see a big flat stone in round shape which was in the center of the hall and around it there was stone seats supplied with the precious jewels, on which our new General Simba, Princess Leonora, Uganima, Prince Victor, Thunder Lords, Captains of Red Striker, Yellow Venomous, Kitty Claws, Dragon leader, Crystal liege, were present and we see four of the seats were looking abandoned but were on random places,..... One was empty behind the captains of Kitty Claws and Jaguar had sit on that seat and was smiling,..... One was near to the General Simba which was now occupied by Kalima, Hurracius had sit on the seat behind the Crystal Liege, I wonder where I got the seat and then I see it , it was empty near the Prince Victor. I quickly went for it and then sit on it, for some moment our eyes meet but then Uganima stands and continued in his heavy but strong voice,

"Prince, Princess, General, Captains of our best teams and our most finest warriors, welcome to this Meeting and thank you for your assistance by taking this Meeting seriously and give it your most precious time as we know it, It's the situation of the war not any kind of war but the war that is going to make history, We will attack them on their day of Independence as they will unaware of us and we avenge our victory from them and defeat them but all this I've said is easy to say but not that easy as we are seeing it will be. The question is how we're gonna defeat them? What strategies we made to set our army and gave them courage to fight? I'm afraid because Victory can be avenge but at a great price and sacrifice as well. So, we have to plan the war and We were all here to listen the plans and advice of each other." he ended.

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