Episode#2: The Dialogue

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"My king you had called Us" said me and Leonora, Father was standing near his royal seat but before that he was walking here and there it seemed that he was upset or depressed about something. I definitely see the bodies of Deer and Minister who were now taken away by the Royal Guardians,

"Yes, I called you both to discuss a very important matter with you and I want your opinion in this... the matter is that, Are you agreed that we attack On the planet Zaria before they become even more powerful?" said Father by seeing us both in our eyes,

"How do we serve to please you?," I asked

"Ready your warriors, we will attacked them on the Defense day when they are fully unaware of us, and the day in which they enabled to defeat us but they don't know that we will attacked them on that day and get what is once ours from them." said Father in his deadly but sick voice,

"Be Please! my king we'll ready the warriors, we will sharpen our blades, we enhance the meat intake, we practice the use of our inner power, ready our War machines and we both trained the warriors,choose the most powerful among them and bring them to you and you choose them as your Armed Warriors in the Oath Ceremony." I said.

"Very well, I just assume that whatever the warriors you choose will be the most powerful, best of luck my ... my... my...ah "said Father in so painful manner that Leonora scream with terror when she sees that Father is going to fall as he was partially senseless I just saw that and run with the maximum speed I got and held Father in my both paws and then I shout for help that G Liongar quickly came and offer me some assistance through which we are able to take Father to his room. I start worrying about Leonora and there I saw her standing there in shock and was crying,

"Sister put yourself together and come see Father." I said to her and then I hold her arm and take her to the Father's room as I think that sooner or later she will going to fall in unconscious state. She is the darling of Father and love him so much than any other thing in the world. When we reach there at Father's room G. Liongar is also there,

"My....beloved General give us some time I need to talk to my cubs." said Father by seeing towards us, when G. Liongar heard this he just put his right paw on his heart site of chest and leave after bowing before to Father. Leonora hugged Father,

"I'll be fine soon my darling after this lovely hug you gave me." said Father by hugging back Leonora,

"And my son don't worry about me or ......you should be because the situation is not that easy as I expected." said Father and give me more tension about his health.

Father continued in his painful voice,"I did not tell you about a thing, a thing that I've serving innerly for many years ...I know you wonder that why I so deeply tried, tries and trying to defeat the planet Zaria?......... the answer is that I am dying from the inside and the superb remedy for this is that I have to take powers from King Tigera, his son Manila and his Daughter Wolferina so I'll become healthy again which is not that easy and not possible without them being living. The powers they have not only cure my disease that was in me feeding on my blood since I was born but also make me well and God of the all other planets, when I was a child my mother The Queen called everybody and searched every remedy to cure this curse ... after all, in a great Book of Legendary she was able to see the reflection of someone who is so much powerful can cure my disease which is why I want to get powers from the only known our enemy......... King Tigera himself. I want to convince King Tigera that I really need his powers along with his soul so I'll be healthy again but he hadn't agreed to my terms and that's why I want to defeat Planet Zaria and then finally we have to kill all the royal family so the powers automatically goes to the most worthy one after them...... ."

"Which is you of course my father." said Leonora by kissing Father's head.

"No, my cubs not me alone.... but to you too." Father replied.

"Why we have to kill them why not possible with them being living?" Leonora asked from Father,

"Because the special power in them ......they don't know about it of course..... is fused with their souls or may be spirits." replied Father, when we both heard this we obtain silence. Silence for a moment, no sound but the wheezing breathing of Father, then after it Father continued to hide his Wheezing breath from us,

"The bad news is that, there is a tradition that royal family give out the powers when they are going to die to their cubs or offspring ......like I will do to both of you but there on Planet Zaria is a slight change in this tradition since last when we embraced defeat from them they have a fright in their hearts that we will going to attack sooner or later so they planned that in any of this case they will going to transfer their powers to the Prime King." ended Father,

"But Father I get it but who is this Prime King." I asked as I smelled Creepiness about that WORD,

"Prime King is the Chosen One and is the Prime Lord of this whole universe..... who is unknown I'm afraid or maybe He didn't know that who He is or will become, if he gets powers he will be invincible and will become the proper Lord of the known Universe." said Father in worry,

"They won't be able to transfer their powers to the Chosen One, we will not let them do so ..." said Leonora in his roaring voice.

"Any sign to identify the Chosen One, we will go and kill him before the powers transferred to him." I asked,

"Yes, there are all the Answers in the book of Legendary but I'm afraid I didn't know."said slowly in his depressed voice,

"And where is that ..."said Me and my sister in one voice.

"In the Planet Zaria, in the royal chamber of King Tigera which is Guarded by the Chocyx Dragon, one head of him exhale Ice and the other head breathes Fire, if you got it you will be able to find any answer related to every problem ... the book will read your mind and told you the answer of any question you want." said Father,

"We will find it for you and we will kill everyone who tried to stop us." I said by seeing towards Leonora, she also agreed.

"That's the rising spirit, I am proud to be your Father.."said King with tears in his eyes

"No, Father we are proud to be your cubs." I said this and together we kissed our Father on His Paw and after bowing we left, I was so much angry that I was trying to hold my anger in front of my sister but my eyes were so furious but depressed at that moment and Leonora can sensed it too*the theme picture of this part can completely describe my emotions which is provided by the writer*.


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