Those We Look Up To

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 With the rise of heroes, the singing & performance industry became less of a competition between contestants, and more of a marketing contest against the heroes.

Singers were very scarce and not many people listened to them or showed up at their concerts. Izuku was one of these few people. Izuku's mother always supported and encouraged his dream to be a singer, afterall he could have chosen to want to be a hero.

It wasn't that Inko hated heroes. She, like many others, idolized and adored them both as a child and now. But Izuku was her baby. And unlike many other parents, Inko realized how dangerous being a hero was nowaday.

So, if it meant he was safe, Inko would do everything to encourage Izuku's dream of being a singer, especially after his quirk developed at four years old-

Izuku was a rare case of a child being born with a quirk that wasn't even similar to either of his parents. His quirk was called 'Melody'. Melody allowed Izuku to make his voice as appealing to everyone who hears it.

When Izuku told Katsuki about his quirk, Katsuki was surprised it wasn't at all like his parents' quirks-

"So what's your quirk, Deku?!" Katsuki called, smirking. He knew whatever quirk it was wouldn't be as cool as his. Plus, since Izuku didn't want to be a hero like the rest of their class it really didn't matter. He would never even bother challenging the best of the best! (Katsuki)

"It's called Melody!" The small Izuku cheered. "It's perfect for my dream of being a singer!"

"What exactly does it do?" Asked the confused voice of a young dragon winged kid.

"Ya?" Asked a kid who could extend his fingers.

"It allows me to make my voice as appealing as possible to anyone who hears it!"

Katsuki laughed a bit. "Sounds weak! But you're right way better for your dream than ours!"

"Right as always Kacchan!" Izuku smiled.

"I know that Deku!" The young Katsuki growled.

While Katsuki and other kids idolized Pro Heroes like All Might, Endeavor, or Mirko. Izuku idolized a woman named, ReiRei Mikasa. She was a famous singer in Japan. Izuku kept notes on every singer, technique, and instrument he knew about, but ReiRei and her stats were his top priority.

Izuku would practice singing, and mastering his quirk, in his room listening to music videos. He'd practice dancing and exercise frequently to keep his body up with his mind and voice. After all 'half of a singer's show, is in their step.'

That's what his idol ReiRei always said- 'Half of a singer's show, is in their step!'

And Izuku lived by this motto. He also was very smart when it came to school and academics. He was top of his class, alongside his childhood friend Katsuki. After class or during lunch, people always asked Izuku to sing their favorite songs. Izuku happily obliged.

Katsuki even got Izuku to sing during some of the blonde's training sessions. This worked out for both of them, Izuku got singing practice in and Katsuki got some cool background music to train to.

Katsuki would never let anyone other than Izuku know he was a fanboy of All Might, but Izuku always talked about ReiRei and his shows. Anytime a show wasn't on a school night, his mother would buy tickets for him to see the shows.

However, Izuku was never able to get an autograph from ReiRei. So that's why Izuku's here. It's a Saturday, and ReiRei is doing a fan-meet-up. ReiRei smiled, as he took selfies with fans and signed autographs.

Izuku waited for 2 hours in the autograph line. Smiling eagerly. ReiRei's quirk was simple, tooth shine, it just made her teeth perfect. She never had to worry about dental hygiene as her quirk kept her teeth and gums in perfect condition.

Izuku walked up, as it was finally his turn for an autograph. He handed his most recent journal- Singer's Guide #14 For The Future. ReiRei flipped through the pages looking for a blank page. She unconsciously noticed the detail in the notes.

ReiRei finally found a blank page, towards the back of the notebook. While she didn't often ask questions about his fans and their obsessions. She had to know, most of her fans wanted to be heroes, so did this mean-

"Kid? Do you want to be a singer when you're older?" Asked the smiling singer, in a bit of a playful tone. ReiRei was one of the few kids who didn't want to be a hero growing up, so it'd be cool to meet a person who reminds her of herself.

The green haired boy smiled and rapidly nodded his head. ReiRei handed the boy back his notebook.

"I know most kids my age wanna be heroes," Izuku rubbed the back of his neck with one hand, while taking the notebook back with his other. "But I've always been more into singing than heroics!"

"Well keep at it kid," ReiRei gave Izuku a thumbs up. "Cause that's the same thought process I had when I was younger." Izuku's eyes widened, he had something in common with his idol!?

"Yes ma'am!" Izuku walked off, realizing he'd been holding up the line. "I can't believe it! I have something in common with THE ReiRei Mikasa!"

Izuku was about to go into a muttering spre when he bumped into someone. Izuku fell backward onto his butt-

"Oh uh my bad!" Izuku said, awkwardly. "I guess I wasn't paying attention!"

Izuku looked up to she a girl with purple hair and what looked like earphone cords coming from her ears- 'Must be her quirk...?'

"It's cool," The girl shrugged. The girl had a bit of a punk style. "So you are here to see ReiRei too?"

"Ya!" Izuku nodded his head. "I already go her autograph!"

"Woh," The girl smiled. "Awesome! By the way, I'm Kyouka Jirou!" The girl, now named Jirou, held out her hand. Izuku grabbed it and Jirou helped him stand up. Izuku bowed-

"I-Izuku Midoriya!" Jirou smiled. Izuku stood up. "So you planning on being a hero?"

"I was, but I'm starting to consider being a rockstar instead," Jirou shrugged. "Being a hero is just stressful. I'd rather pick a career that I would enjoy."

"Well, I'm planning to be a singer," Izuku smiled, as Jirou looked at him. "HEY! What if we start a band together!"

"Just the two of us?"

"For now, sure. But more people might join us later!"

"That actually sounds cool!" Jirou smirked. "I heard there was a music competition here in ten months for new bands to get a record deal. Same day as the UA entrance exam."

"Well, I guess we should get started," Izuku held out his hand. Jirou shook it.


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