Electric Star

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Jirou and Izuku had been hanging out at the corner cafe every Saturday for two months. Shouto joined them a few times. Jirou often invited Kaminari to join their group while he was on break.

"So," Kaminari smiled. "You all are starting a band?"

"Ya!" Izuku smiled.

"And you want me to join?"

"That is what Midoriya and Jirou said," Todoroki spoke in his usual monotone voice. It took a while for Kaminari to get used to Todoroki's emotionless personality.

"Wow," Kaminari smiled. "That's so cool... but..."

"But... what?" Jirou asked, she sounded care-free, but was secretly worried.

"I'm not too good at playing any instruments..."

"That's fine," Izuku smiled, brightly. "We could use another singer. Having another voice can help with music! Plus, it'd be awesome to have someone else singing alongside me!"

"Oh ok!" Kaminari smiled, brightly. "I'll gladly join! So practice at 2:30 pm this Saturday?"

"Yup! See you then, Kami-san!" Izuku smiled and waved. Todoroki nodded in agreement. Jirou sent a smirk towards Kaminari, who blushed slightly.

Jirou, Izuku, and Todoroki left after that. Todoroki returning home and Izuku and Jirou heading to Izuku's house to continue writing their song. Izuku was so happy they found a backup singer.

Izuku remembered what his idol, ReiRei, said at the Japanese Idol Awards. ReiRei was the first non-hero to receive an award at the JIA in nearly two hundred years. ReiRei smiled, brightly, as She made her speech:

"I know this is a great honor! I am proud to be the first singer to be given an award from the JIA in nearly two hundred years. I worked hard to be given this award, but I would not have made it without the support of my friends, family, fans, and my cast of backup singers, editors, and recorders!"

ReiRei, despite being so famous, would never forget who helped her reach such fame. Not just her family and friends, but her fans and cast/co-workers too. ReiRei was so amazing in Izuku's eyes, and he WILL be just like her one day!

Saturday... 2:50 pm...

Izuku smiled, as he, Jirou, Todoroki, and Kaminari were practicing singing again. They had finally finished their song. As they sang, they played. Izuku smirked, as the second turn of the chorus played.

The others played the last note, and cut themselves off perfectly in sync with the beat. Izuku activated his quirk. Jirou and Kaminari had stars in their eyes, while Todoroki had a small smile.

Then, after that turn, Izuku deactivated his quirk. They all continued playing/singing. After they finished, Jirou smiled, before speaking-

"That was awesome!" Jirou cheered. "So we have one month until the contest. We should finish out outfits and nicknames."

"Ok, let's go over all our information," Izuku took out his notebook. He kept his #14 notebook in perfect condition. "Our band name is PowerHouse. My stage name with be Zuzu."

"Jackie is my stage name," Jirou piped up.

"Icefire," Shouto said, calmly.

"hmmm," Kaminari thought for a moment. Then, the blonde snapped his fingers. "Electric Star!"

"Awesome!" Izuku smiled. "Jirou you and your dad got our costumes, right?"


"Great, Todoroki your dad won't stop you... or us?"

"I can handle him, if he tries it."

"Cool, we should practice one more time today. Then take a break. Next Saturday, we'll continue working on our choreography." The other three nodded. Izuku had a determined look in his eye. "Let's do this!"

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