Names & Practice

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Todoroki told his father that he was going to train at the gym and to call him if he needed anything- not that he would have responded. He was actually going to practice with his new band.

The half and half boy arrived at the Jirou household. He knocked on the door. Izuku answered the door. He smiled to see his friend he'd been texting with for a while.

Jirou waited in her room for Izuku and the boy her friend called Shouto. She smiled, as Izuku walked in. Her smile turned to shock as she recognized the number 2 hero's son-

"YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU'RE FRIENDS WITH A TOP PRO HERO FAMILY!?" Jirou exclaimed. Izuku smiled, awkwardly-

"I- uh- I'm just friends with Shouto," Izuku stuttered out. "No one else."

"Oh, well we better get started," Jirou said, still stunned Izuku personally knew the son of the number 2 pro hero.

"So, Shouto-kun have you thought of a stage-name yet?" Izuku turned towards his friend.

"I was just thinking of using my regular name."

"NO NO NO!" Jirou and Izuku said. Izuku smirked- "You need a stage name, because people love the idea of their idol having a nickname that fits them! Mine is gonna be Zuzu! It's just a shortened version of my name, but it rolls off the tongue better!"

"Jackie," Jirou said, calmy. "Based around my quirk- Earphone Jack."

"Hmm," Shouto hummed, as he thought of a name. "IceFire."

"Perfect!" Izuku smiled widely. He pulled out his notebook. "I came up with a few different names for our band. I wanted to review a few of them."

"Ok!" Jirou smiled. Shouto only let out a small hum of acknowledgement.

"Well, here's the list," Izuku said, before he started listing off a few possible band names. "Siren, Powerhouse, Levi-knight, Crash and Burn, Firebolt, or Ice Style."

"I'd rather our name not have anything to do with fire," Todoroki said in a monotone. Jirou and Izuku nodded, Izuku crossed off- 'Crash and Burn' and 'Firebolt'.

"Levi-knight doesn't really fit us," Jirou shrugged. "Sounds more like a hero alis. And Ice style sounds like a bad pun my dad would say while he was drinking lemonade with ice."

"Powerhouse sounds good," Shouto said, quietly. Jirou and Izuku smiled-

"Agreed!" They both said.

"We should get to practice," Izuku pointed out.

"Ya we should," Jirou seconded that. Shouto hummed in agreement.

After Practice...

Todoroki and Izuku headed home. Jirou decided to get some ice coffee, at the corner cafe. She smiled, as she walked through the cafe's doors. She waited in line.

When she finally got to the front of the line, she noticed a blonde boy with a black lightning bolt in his hair. He smiled at her-

"Hello! What can I get you today?" The blonde boy asked, as he took out a notepad and pen.

"Uhm," Jirou was blushing slightly. 'He's kinda cute...' Jirou realized she'd just been staring- "Oh- I uh... Guess I zoned out for a sec... One grape boba tea and one blueberry muffin!"

"Ok! Coming right up!" The boy cheered. Jirou saw his nametag- 'Denki Kaminari' Jirou smiled, as she received her order and paid. Jirou left with her order, already sipping on her boba...

"He was cute," Jirou smiled, as she walked home. "I wonder if he plays any instruments?"

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