New Drummer

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Jirou and Izuku had been practicing for 3 months now. Izuku hardly ever talked to Katsuki either. Too busy with his and Jirou's new song. But Katsuki was busy too, training to be number one hero and all that.

Neither the Katsuki or Izuku really noticed they hadn't been hanging out that much. They had their own things to do after all. Izuku still sang for kids at his school now and then, but most days he spent working on the lyrics for his and Jirou's song.

Currently, Jirou and her father were getting the gear for their performance. Ya know, instruments, mics, costumes, etc. Izuku had gotten pretty far along with their song's lyrics. He's been learning about music long enough to know when it came to music, words hit hard...

This is what he has so far (A/N: Thank you YT Studio for copyright free songs [song: losing my mind lyrics neffex]) -

'I feel like I'm loosing my mind
Is everybody in the world blind?
Please Lord give me a sign, a sign
I feel like I'm loosing my mind
Is everybody in the world blind?
Please lord give me a sign, a sign'

Anyway, as you can tell, the song is pretty good so far. Izuku's proud of it at least. One major limitation of Izuku's quirk, is while YES he can make HIS voice as amazing as possible for someone else, that doesn't extend to the music he plays and sings too or the people he's singing with.

He's joined a few music clubs in the past. But whenever he activated his quirk, it caused the others in the band to sound horrible in comparison. This ruined the whole performance. So Izuku and Jirou agreed to have Izuku solo the best part of the song with his quirk.

Izuku managed to get permission to use his quirk on stage and for performances in a court of law. As long as he only used his quirk for performing he could use it legally. So this was very helpful.

Izuku received a call from Jirou. The greenette answered-

"What's up Jirou?" Izuku asked.

"My dad brought up a good point during our shopping spree I think you should hear about..."

"What's the idea?" Izuku was confused. What were they missing? They had a song, costumes, legal permission for his quirk?

"Our stage names and band name," Jirou sighed. "I just looked at the flier. Each group that enters needs a band name, and my dad recommended stage names like how pro heroes how hero names."

Izuku facepalmed as he felt stupid for forgetting that detail- "How could I forget that!? See you are 2:30?"

Jirou looked at her cellphone. It was 1:00- "Sure, see you in an hour and a half at the corner coffee shop?" The two future singers decided they'd meet at a local coffee shop they called the 'corner coffee shop' as it was on a corner halfway between their houses.

"Sure see you then!" With that Izuku hung up. The coffee shop was a fifteen minute walk from his apartment complex, so he'd leave at two. He'd have thirty minutes to get there. He opened his notebook and started going through possible nicknames-

'Green Bunny...? No. Midori? No, too cringe.' Izuku looked on the page next to the one he was writing on. He noticed a signature- 'ReiRei? Hmm... What about Zuzu?' "THAT'S PERFECT!" Izuku was happy he found his stage name. He decided he'd come up with a stage name for his friend and future bandmate too.

At 2:00...

"Bye mom! I'm going out to meet my friend Jirou!" Izuku called out to his mother. He received a small- 'Ok be safe honey!' From his mother in return. Izuku quickly made his way to the coffee shop, when he bumped into someone, once again falling over.

Izuku quickly stood up and reached out a hand to the boy he knocked over. The boy had half white hair and half red hair and two different eye colors as well- cyan and grey.

"I'm so sorry!" Izuku said, as he reached out to the boy. The boy looked at him and stood up, but refused his hand.

"It's fine," He muttered. Izuku then heard a shout-

"SHOUTO!?" The half and half boy grabbed Izuku's hand and ran into a nearby alleyway. Izuku was stunned silent.

'That was the voice of the pro hero Endeavor? Why is he after this boy?' The boy hiding behind a trash can with him didn't seem to have stolen anything or gotten into a fight. The flame hero walked by the alleyway without a second glance.

After Endeavor was gone, the tone-toned boy stood up-

"Sorry for getting you involved, my father can be an annoyance."

'Oh that explain why he- wait no it doesn't!?'

"You're Endeavor's son?" Izuku asked, shocked. "Are you in trouble or something?"

"Probably both," The boy said, seemingly unfazed by the implication of what he just said. "He wants me to be a pro hero to surpass All Might. But I haven't wanted that in a long time."

Izuku got an idea-

"Hey! I'm Izuku Midoriya! Me and my friend are planning to start a band. We could use a drummer?" The boy, now named Shouto, looked over. Izuku had an piece of paper in his hand. "My phone number, if you want to join?"

"Why would I want to join a band?"

"Well, the auditions are on the same day as the entrance exam to UA-"

"I'm in," Not only did this give Shouto an excuse to be out of the house without his father, but he could spite him by not even going to the exam. Shouto took the number and decided to find his father. He had a new plan instead of running away now. "Goodbye, Midoriya."

Izuku noticed he'd been hiding with that Shouto boy for a while, he looked at his phone. he gasped- "2:39!?" Izuku quickly took off. He sent a text to Jirou-

ReiReiFan101: Hey sorry I'm late! I actually got us a drummer!

RockenHero69: You did!? That's great! Are they coming with you?

ReiReiFan101: No he had somewhere else to be, but I'll tell you everything once I get to the corner coffee shop!

With that Izuku ran off to the shop. Shouto looked back one last time seeing his new friend run off. Shouto was then spotted by his father, who roughly grabbed his arm-

"THERE, YOU ARE, BRAT!" Endeavor growled. "COME ON WE TRAINING TO DO!!!"

Shouto smiled for the first time in years. It was so small, it was unnoticeable, but it was a smile nonetheless- 'Thank you, Midoriya...'

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