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In defense of the two hobbits sneaking their way through Mordor to try and rescue a third, they actually made it to Barad-dûr before being captured.

Their plan had fallen apart when they made it to the bridge leading into the fortress city, with no other way to get in.

The guards at the gate -humans, not orcs, much to their surprise- quickly overwhelmed the pair and delivered them to the guards at the door of Sauron's Tower.

There, Sam and Frodo were rendered unconscious by the tower's human guards and taken inside to be jailed.


As soon as the Nine were gone, the Dark Lord cupped the hobbit's face, "My Bilbo, mine at last, as is the prize you escorted back to me."

The littlest wraith said nothing in reply, his greyed eyes empty of all emotion or independent thought; just like all Ringwraith's upon creation nothing occupied his head but the Will of his Master.

Sauron tsked at that and moved his right hand to the top of the hobbit's head, severing the mental block his transformation had placed on his mind.

He had done so with all the Nine to varying degrees, all of them had forty percent free will and sixty percent his will; with the exception of Isildur, who was ninety-five percent his will and five percent free will, and now Bilbo who was ninety percent free will and ten percent his will.

The Nine were so much more effective when they could come up with ideas and not just act as echoes of himself, and well he just wanted to punish Isildur forever for taking the Ring from him, and Bilbo was to be his consort not a servant.

Grey eyes became green, white hair went golden and Bilbo's flesh gained color as the block dissolved, "Ash."

"You may continue to address me as such if you wish." The Lord of Mordor allowed, "But I prefer the name Mairon."

"Mairon." Bilbo repeated, wonder filling his pale green eyes

A warm feeling filled the maia's being, a pleasant one at that, he very much liked hearing his hobbit's voice.

He rubbed his left thumb across Bilbo's lower lip, "You once told me that you would kiss me should I have a body of my own, would you grant me one now?"

Bilbo nodded and tilted his head towards him, the taller being leaning down to reach the rest of the way.

Their lips met and Bilbo could only describe it as electric -like mini bolts of lightning were striking his limbs starting from his mouth.


Frodo quickly realized when he woke up that he was not in a dungeon nor cage, unlike what he had expected; instead he was tied to a chair in a somewhat lavish bedroom.

Looking around, he saw Sam was nowhere to be found and that he was alone.

Though, it did not stay that way for long and the door to the room he was in opened and a lone figure entered.

It was Bilbo.

But Bilbo was no longer a spectral being, but once again solid flesh and blood; he still wore his white cloak, but his armor and black robes were exchanged for Shire-style clothing.

"Uncle?" Frodo asked, confused

The older hobbit smiled, "Hello, Frodo. I am terribly sorry for all the deception but it was necessary."

"What? I do not understand what is going on." The brunet exclaimed

Bilbo sighed and settled into the chair across from him, "The story that I told at camp was a lie, no not a lie completely, but rather avoiding the truth. I was not corrupted and enslaved by the One Ring, I fell in love with it and came willingly."

Frodo's baby blue eyes widened evermore in shock, "No, that cannot be. I came to save you."

"I never needed to be saved, my dear boy." Bilbo replied, offering a small smile, "I am quite happy here with my husband, the Lord of this realm."

Frodo's mouth dropped, "You married Sauron?"

"I did." The blond smiled, "I love him and he loves me and that is enough."

"Even at the cost of the whole world?" The younger hobbit asked

"Call me selfish if it makes you feel better, but yes. I believe I have found a love so great that I am willing to sacrifice the world to keep it." Bilbo answered, "But Mairon does not want to destroy the world, he wants to perfect it."

"Perfect it or rule it?" Frodo asked

Bilbo shrugged, "I see no difference."


During the course of the three week travel to Barad-dûr from Hobbiton, the Nine -now Ten- had made several stops to let their horses rest lest their overriding kill them.

At one such resting period, in the plains of Rohan, the group of Nazgûl were somewhat separated as their horses tended to their needs or rested.

Bilbo found himself with his pony at a small stream where his horse drank, the Witch King a few feet away doing the same with her stallion.

"When I was alive, I could not swim." Miriel admitted, breaking the silence that had been upon them, "No matter how much my father or my tutors tried I would always flail when I entered the water, or sink like an anchor if tossed in."

"Did you ever?" The hobbit asked, the manners instilled in him since birth overwhelming even the mental block on his brain

She turned to him, "Did I ever what?"

"Learn to swim." He clarified

"No." The leader of the group replied, shaking her head slightly, "But I learned how to drown."


The fact that the Nazgûl considered one another brothers was a fairly well known fact -at least in Minas Morgul if not all of Mordor.

That despite their various origins they had all made the best of their situation and found a family in each other, with one notable exception.

No one liked Isildur because of his role in sundering the One Ring from their Master last Age.

So, after gaining permission from their Master at long last -with some of Bilbo's help in convincing him-, the Witch King slew the unwelcome member of the Nine and now carried his ring -Sapthân, the Foolstone- in her pocket.

She was in the enemy camp not only to gather information firsthand to see if this was the best army the world of Men could produce, but also to find a replacement for Isildur.

Her initial target had been Aragorn, Isildur's Heir and the one leading the forces, but his disgustingly pure heart would not make him a good fit.

Instead, Míriel -or Zimra as she was being called- had laid her eyes upon another, a young woman who reminded her so much of her younger self.

Éowyn of Rohan was ignored and belittled by the Men around her, dismissed as unable to be any real help due to her sex.

And, Míriel could sense that said frustrations were coming to a head.

The Tenth Ringwraith: a Sauron x BilboWhere stories live. Discover now