The Shining

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"Hey Curator!" Parzival says as the group arrives at Halliday Journals.

"We figured out the second clue.. Or well Estelle here did. The challenge is here." Art3mis says.

"Halliday kept track of every movie he had ever watched... the week and the year he watched it... and how many times. Curator can we see November 23 to 27, 2025. That's the week he went on a date with Kira." Parzival says as he looks at Curator.

"Okay so our options for that week are The Flowery Make... Great flick, terrible date movie. Say Anything that would make sense." Art3mis says as she looks at the movies Curator is showing to the group.

"We gotta remember the clue. A creator who hates his own creation. The shining. It's Halliday's 11th favorite horror film." Parzival says as he looks at a movie.

"Based on the best selling book by Stephen King. One of my favorite authors." Alexis says.

"Who hated the movie!" Parzival says as Art3mis smiles at him.

"Hey! No psychic chat!" Aech says as he goes over to Parzival and Art3mis.

"You like to read?" Daito asks as Alexis looks at him and nods.

"Of course. One of my favorite pass times when I'm not in the Oasis." Alexis says.

"I think we found it." Parzival says.

"Are you absolutely sure you want to go here?" Curator asks as he grabs The shining movie.

"Gotta try don't we?" Alexis asks.

"I just hope that you have the belly for it." Curator says as he takes the group into the movie before the group enters inside a large building.

"Look. Ticking clock." Daito says as he looks at some papers flying off a desk with a key shape on them.

"Okay so I'm estimating about... 5 minutes to find the key." Art3mis says.

"There are many keys in The Shining though... Where do we start?" Parzival asks.

"I've never seen The Shining. Is it really scary?" Aech asks as he pulls Sho over to him.

"Oh I had to watch it through my fingers." Sho says as he puts his hands up in defense.

"That's reassuring." Alexis says.

"Don't worry. I can protect you again if you're scared." Daito says as Alexis looks at him.

"No offense Daito but I'm not a whole fan of the damsel in distress bit. I can handle myself far as danger. Besides it wouldn't be the first time I've jumped head first into a dangerous situation. But no I'm not scared." Alexis says.

"If that's what the lady wishes." Daito says as Alexis shakes her head and smiles slightly.

"Okay so we got the key from room 237... Then this is the snow cat... the keys they give to Jack at the beginning of the movie." Parzival says.

"But what's leap not taken? A key isn't a key at all?" Art3mis says as she and Parzival talk about what to do.

"Well why you two are deciding I'm gonna have a look around. See what I can find." Alexis says as she begins to walk off.

"We'll go with you." Daito says as he and Sho follow after Alexis.


"We got the key." Daito says as he, Alexis, and Sho run over to Aech, Parzival, and Art3mis.

"Sweet. To room 237!" Parzival says as the group is following him and Art3mis.

"We ain't got no business going to room 237. We should stay out! Cause there was this crazy naked zombie lady in there..." Aech says fearfully.

"There are no zombies in The Shining!" Parzival says.

"Well maybe it's not supposed to be like the movie. Kira is the key. You are the one who said it." Art3mis says.

"Hey y'all. I saw a picture of Kira." Aech says as everyone stops and looks at him.

"Where?" Alexis asks.


"It's Kira. Escape your past. The leap not taken. Halliday's greatest fear wasn't The Shining... nor any book or movie. His biggest fear was kissing a girl. That's the leap he couldn't take. The ball room." Art3mis says as everyone follows her towards the entrance to the ball room as the group hears music.

"It's okay Aech. We're here with you. Come on." Alexis says as Aech hesitantly walks into the room.

"Zombies! Told you." Aech says as he sees the dancing people.

"That's her. It's Kira." Art3mis says as she sees Kira dancing.

"None of this is from the Shining." Parzival says.

"Look that's the zombies circle level in Mayhem Mansion... one of Halliday's first games. The whole Shining tribute it's just a diversion." Art3mis says.

"One minute left." Daito says as he checks the time.

"How do we get to her?" Sho asks.

"Take the leap." Art3mis says as she jumps onto a zombie.

"Wait!" Parzival shouts before the group except for Art3mis is pulled out of the building and sent back to the entrance.

"Now what?" Daito asks.

"Looks like it will only allow one of us to stay in at a time once in the ball room. I say we keep going like we have been until we all finish the challenge." Alexis says as Aech looks at her.

"You're joking right?" Aech asks.

"Nope and it looks like Art3mis did it. Don't know about you boys but I'm going in." Alexis says as she heads back inside upon seeing Art3mis won the challenge.


Later as Alexis is about to stop for the day she soon gets a message. Upon taking a closer look Alexis sees the message is from Art3mis before reading it.

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