Chapter 4

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OMG! 379 READS AND 24 VOTES! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZAYN! I'm so glad you guys are enjoying it! well, I made you guys a deal, and you kept your end, so its my turn! Enjoy the first Niall POV!!!!

Niall's POV


I was walking back to my flat after a delicious lunch at Nando's. I had eaten my fill, and was going to get ready for a rehearsal for One Directions upcoming tour. I was more than excited. I was ecstatic. I was so lost in thought I walked right past my flat. realizing my mistake, I chuckled. I turned around and pulled out my keys. I unlocked the door and stepped inside. As soon as I closed the door a strong arm wrapped around my waist.

"Don't move a muscle pretty boy," a rough voice whispered into my ear. well, on that note, I decided to start struggling. I heard a man sigh, and he started dragging up my stairs.

"HELP A MAN IS TRYING TO KIDNAP ME! HEEEE-" I was cut off by a rough hand clamping over my mouth. he dragged me up the stairs and into my room. he then threw me onto the bed and began rummaging through his bag. "Wh-What do you want w-with m-me?" I stuttered out. he just turned to me with a roll of duct tape in his hand and a gun in the other. I froze at the sight of the gun.

"If you try to call for help or run again I will not hesitate to shoot you. Understand?" he asked me. I slowly nodded my head. he walked over to me and flipped me onto my back and taped my hands behind my back. he then did my feet, and finally stuck a piece of duct tape onto my mouth. he grabbed me by the back collar of my shirt and dragged me down the stairs. I whimpered in pain as my back connected with the stairs.

he threw me in his car and started driving away. I felt tears start running down my face as I realized what had happened. I wonder if the boys would look for me, or even notice my absence.

all these thoughts were running through my head, before the car hit a big bump and my head smashed against the metal side of the van. I felt the sticky red liquid run down my face as my vision went black.


I opened my eyes to the sound of screams. not just any screams, but Liam's screams. and they were full of pain. my head snapped up and I was met with a horrible sight. Zayn in a chair with a knife up at his neck, and Liam hung up with large gashes dripping blood. I winced when I saw a man bring a whip down on Liam. Liam screamed again, this time louder than ever.

I knew I had to cause a distraction, and quick. I started rubbing my mouth against my shoulder. I felt the tape start to give way, and I pushed even harder. I ignored the screams, knowing they would only distract me. the tape peeled off my mouth, and I yelled in triumph.

LIAM! LIAM! LIAM I'M COMING!" I screamed. I saw the man next to Zayn glare over in my direction, but Zayn just looked around, trying to figure out where my voice was coming from. Hmmmmm. I guess it was a one way glass. I watched as Zayn looked at the door in shock. I saw Louis, and my heart stopped. was Harry here as well?

Louis had his mouth open, but I couldn't here what he was saying. so... it was soundproof AND a one way glass. I was in horror as I watched. I closed my eyes and looked down, avoiding what was playing out before me. minutes passed, before I heard a door slam shut. my head flew up and I saw Liam, Zayn, and Louis laying side by side. Harry was sitting next to them, appearing to be the only one uninjured. I watched them for a few minutes before I saw Liam stirring. just as he was sitting up, the door to my cell flew open.

"you shouldn't have done that pretty boy. the glass is only soundproof to talking, not yelling like you did. now, you're going to get punished," a man told me, an angry look on his face. he walked over and punched me in the stomach. he continued beating me continuously. I held in all of my tears and cries until the last blow. he stood me up, and punched my face so hard I heard the sickening crunch of my nose break. I cried out in pain. the man dropped me to the floor and walked out. I looked up to see all of the boys looking around in shock and fear. I tried to stand, but the world went black as I hit the floor.

HEY! I KNOW ITS SHORT BUT I CAN EXPLAIN! I am really pressed for time lately, and I really wanted to give you guys your Niall POV, so yeah. DON'T HATE ME! this chapter is dedicated to my BFF skipper101. I know her from school, and she encourages me to write, so yeah. I will let you guys know when the next Niall POV  is coming. not next time, so don't ask.

CHALLENGE! I am thinking about putting a girl in here who will help her escape. send in the descriptions and names of the person you want in, and I will choose which one I want. also, choose one of the boys cause it will have a romance <3



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