Chapter 1

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A bird. A stupid bird is the reason i'm forced to be awake. This stupid thing has been chirping it's life away for the past hour and a half.

I move the comforter below my chin and reach for my phone that is sitting on my bedside table. As I reach over my hand knocks over the mug that contained my coffee from last night that I never finished.
"Are you fucking kidding me. I'm not looking at it," I say out into the empty room.

Rolling over to face away from the mess all over the floor, I notice the sun is beginning to rise. Great. This is my luck. I only got two hours of sleep, because I stayed up studying for my final that I have today. It's my last final of my whole life. Now that I think about it, it's kind of sad that this is my last test. And for what? I have nothing planned for my future except eat, sleep, and drink. Maybe party here and there.

My father doesn't care. He prefers that I stay here and spend his overflowing money on god knows what.

Knock knock.
Rolling over in my bed the door to my room opens at the same time.

"Miss Aralia, it's 6:30 and breakfast will be done at 7. Oh no! It seems that you've spilled your coffee. I'll clean it up right away," Emily, the housekeeper, begins to close my door.

"No, Emily it's okay. I'll clean it and I will be down in 30," I give her a small smile that she returns as she closes the door.
Yeah I'm not cleaning up the coffee right now it'll probably still be there next week.

Throwing the comforter off my legs I feel the crisp breeze hit my tan skin. Damn it's cold. Who decided to live in Antarctica?

I place my feet on the wooden floors and pad my way into my abnormally large bathroom. Looking in the mirror I notice I look like I've been hit by a dump truck.

The first thing I do is take my eye contacts out because they're itchy and then I brush my teeth. Turning the shower on I wait until it gets hot then I step inside. The warm water helps my muscles relax. Does anyone else just stand under the water for a good 10 minutes contemplating their life? Or is it just me?

I lather the shampoo through my long brown hair and then rinse it out. I repeat the same for my conditioner.

Stepping out of the shower I grab my warm cotton towel and dry myself off.

I walk into my walk in closet and pick what I'm going to wear for today.

Sweatpants, tank top, Ugg slippers.
My test day outfit.

Why would I dress cute if all I'm doing is sitting in a classroom answering questions? Plus every guy at my college looks like a musty rat so...

I walk out of my room making sure to close the door behind me. Walking down the hall I pass my fathers door when all of a sudden his door opens and woman steps out. She fixes her hair like she flustered and then makes eye contact with me.

"Oh, hello. Um I'm Charlotte I work for your father," She holds her hand out for me to take.

"Yeah a lot of people work for my father," I shake her hand cause I don't want to be rude.

"So I've heard. What's your name? You're father never told me," She gives me a warm smile. I don't like it.

"Aralia," I cross my arms over my chest feeling uncomfortable.

"Oh thats pretty," She picks at her fingernail cuticle.

"Thanks," I say. I turn on my heels and speed walk to the stairs. Going down the long staircase I can smell the pancakes and bacon. Oooh lord I love it here.

"Hey darling," My dad kisses my on my head as I walk into the kitchen.

"Hello, I met your new girlfriend," I sit on the stool placed at the island. I look up and my dad is frozen mid bite.

"She's not my girlfriend, just an assistant," He shoves a mouthful of pancakes in his mouth.

"That's what they all say," I say with a knowing smirk and a wink.

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