Chapter 2

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"Aralia. She's not my girlfriend just my help. Okay?" He says with no eye contact.

"20 bucks you've already kissed her," I snatch a piece of bacon off my plate that Freddy, the chef, placed in front of me.

"Damn it," He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out his wallet. Grabbing a 20 dollar bill he places it in-front of me.

"Thank you for the tip," I give him a wink. He waves hid hand at me in a dismissing way as he leaves the room.

"You're too good at reading people Miss Aralia. Even when you were little you could always tell when someone was trying to fool you. Just like your mother," Freddy says as he flips the pancake on the stove top.

"I never knew you worked in the house when my mom was here," I stop eating and push the plate away. Getting up from my stool I make my way to large fridge to grab orange juice.

"Yes, your mother is the one who hired me actually. I use to work at a restaurant as the head chef, and your mother fell in love with my cooking. So she hired me for a much better pay," He puts the pancake on the plate so it can cool down.

"Wow, I never knew that. She must've had very good taste," I take a sip of the orange juice. Placing the glass on the counter with a clank I grab my keys and bag from the counter. Emily must've brought it from my room.

"Have a good day Freddy," I open the garage door and close it behind me. Walking past the long row of expensive cars I make my way to mine.

Mercedes AMG.


Pulling into my parking spot I notice that I have five minutes to get to my seat.

"Shit" I jump out the car making sure to grab my bag. I lock the door behind me and book it to class.

The buildings around me are old and worn from the time they've been here. The breeze in the air causes my hair to whip around my face.

Walking up the steps to the building which my class is in my foot catches on the uneven steps.

I fall on my face.

"Damnit" Standing up I swipe the dirt and grime off of me.

"Are you okay," A voice says behind me.

Turning around I come face to face with a tall blonde haired kid. He looks like a surfer boy. He has bright blue eyes and a bright smile.

"Yea, yea I'm good," I brush off my sweatpants one last time.

"Good. I'm Ivan by the way," He smiles.

"Okay cool, i'm Aralia and I really to get to my class," I turn and make my way into the building practically running for the classroom door.

As I reach the door a hand goes over my head and opens the door for me.

Looking up it's the blondie from outside.

"We're in the same class," He says with a flirty wink.

"Yeah I knew that," I breathe out. Making my way to my seat I take note of everyone. Some people are vibing on their phones waiting for the test, and the others are stress studying.

Finally sitting in my seat I place my bag next to me and take out my laptop and paper.

"Hello class, everyone take out your laptops the test will begin in 1 minute. There shall be no phones out on your desk," The bald teacher sits back down at his desk and continues playing his game of chess online. Everything in this class I pretty much taught to myself last night. Which is why I barely got any sleep.

"I'm sitting next you because the person I usually sit by smells like hell and they breathe too loud for my liking," Ivan throws himself into the seat next to me, knocking my bag over in the process.

"Welcome to my safe space, the corner, where no one shall bother me," I joke.

"Thank you for accepting me," He nudges my shoulder with his.

"Do good," I press start on the test.

1 hour and 30 minutes to go.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 ⏰

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