---Chapter 1---

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When Ronobir first met Kiara, she'd bumped into him in the line of a small coffee shop. He was smitten right away, he just knew. When he turned from his place in line to face the person who had bumped into him, he saw her. This girl, Kiara, had the prettiest set of eyes he'd ever seen. Something about the way they widened in shock as she realized what she'd done but little did she know that she just did simply captivated him. Those brown eyes painted her in a soft aura like her intentions were pure; always good. 

He would never admit it to himself, but something about Kiara left him begging for a touch. He became aware of his own heartbeat and how heavy his breaths were. Jesus, all this girl had done was bump into him, and he'd lost all his senses. As she started apologizing profusely for bumping into this stranger, his gaze traveled across her face and landed on her perfectly plump lips. He admired the way her mouth moved gracefully and couldn't help but imagine those very lips wrapped around something a little more stimulating.

Kiara's apology abruptly fell off her lips as their eyes met and she finally took a closer look at the man in front of her. A small gasp escaped her as she took note of the bruises across his face.

"The fuck you looking at?"

Kiara was taken back. Not by his crude question, but more so how this man could look so attractive covered in bruises- it was absolutely beyond her. His hair fell in short and long curls, framing his face perfectly. His build was fairly large, and he towered over her 5'8" figure. He has this sort of vibe that screamed electrifying intimidation, but it was clear that his intentions were good. 

Kiara's character seeps sweet, maddening innocence. In his mind, by some twisted logic, there was no way they were compatible, and for that reason, Ronobir could not allow himself to pursue her. He did not want to ruin her, but something about this girl kept pushing him to her.

"You uh... uh..." Kiara started stuttering, something she tends to do when she's nervous or scared. She couldn't bring herself to form words. Her interaction with the opposite sex is very limited- nonexistent even- and the fact that the man standing in front of her was attractive, did not help calm her nerves.

"Are you going to fucking speak or just stand in the way?"

"Your eyebrow!" Kiara blurted out. She covered her mouth, ready for the ground beneath her to open up and swallow her whole. Regaining her composure, she pointed to her eyebrow instead, trusting her actions over her own voice.

He raised his hand to his face and flinched, pulling back. "Shit," he muttered. Ronobir had just finished sparring at the gym with his friend in preparation for an upcoming match. Heath, the friend in question, never went easy on him, resulting in his current state. Though Heath goes hard on him from time-to-time, he only has Ronobir's best interest at heart. After all, they have been friends for so long, they could basically be considered brothers.

Breaking him from his thoughts Kiara spoke up, this time keeping it together. "I have a first aid kit." She started digging around in her purse. "It's somewhere here."

Ronobir watched as she rummaged around in her bag. He observed the way her braids stayed put in her tightly packed bun, and how her glasses lightly slid down her nose. His gaze lingered particularly on her lips and he looked in awe as her bottom lip stuck out in concentration.

Noticing the three animal keychains hanging from her purse- a turtle, a polar bear, and a lion- he found her absolutely adorable and chuckled lightly to himself. He quickly found that it would be nearly impossible to distance himself from this girl. At that moment he wondered if his decision to not pursue her would have been a mistake. He couldn't remember the last time he was this intrigued with anyone- if ever.

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