First day at the faculty

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Gorya POV

I am really nervous. I asked P'Ren about my class and my homeroom teacher. He told me that my teacher is nice and I am lucky to have her. Well that's a relief. I wonder what Thyme is up to.

Thyme POV

This faculty's girls are really annoying. They just keep pestering me with their proposals .I am literally sick of them. I am missing my Gorya alot. I keep thinking about her during the lectures. My god, this girl will be the end of me. The classes were easy as I knew most of it already as my mom and Tia taught me alot. But I guess Gorya would be really busy as she took medicine. I hope she still has time for me.

Kavin POV

I went to Kaning's faculty to meet her as my classes started late and one of her classes was free. We ate and talked. I love her alot but it is really hard for me to express it to her. She on the other hand is really sweet and caring. I really wish I could tell how much I love and care for her.

Kaning POV

Kavin is here at my faculty. I just can't believe it but of course he is surrounded by girls who are drooling over him. Well he is rich and handsome but I don't fell nice when other girls look at my boyfriend. I guess I am the possessive type. Kavin approached me with chocolates. He has a habit of bringing something with him whenever he comes to meet me. "Hi Kavin, How are you here?" "Well actually my classes start late and you had a class free so I thought to see u before going to my classes". He is so thoughtful he even thought to spend the 20 minutes before class with me. We sat down in my faculty's cafeteria and ordered our food. Kavin ordered a sandwich and juice while I ordered pasta with coffee. I really need it interior designing is hard. "How are your studies?" Kavin broke the silence by asking a question. "Pretty good so far so good"."That's great" Kevin replied. We finished our meals and Kavin left.


I showed Gorya around and told her about the teachers a little before going to my class. I understood in my first year that medicine is a hard course and I would have to work hard if I want to pass. The syllabus was alot and we hardly have free time. Well it is a bigger problem for Gorya than me. Thyme is quite a clingy boyfriend and I don,t think he will leave Gorya alone.

Gorya POV

I just got a reality check. I really am in university now. The studies here are alot harder and my schedule is packed with lab work and assignments. I wish i cam make time for Thyme. He probably knows most of his course as he worked in his company for a year before deciding to study further as he was still young. He is a year late because of that. The chapter are sort of difficult but I am trying to understand them. I really hope I pass.


Guys I have been lied to by thyme!!! He told me that business is an easy course and I can easily do it but I guess he is the only one in the whole class who can do it so easily. Everything is going above my head. I hope I get something in my head because i really want to atleast pass so i can show my face to people. The great and genius MJ can,t fail in the first year. I looked at Thyme and he seemed to know everything as he was answering to every damn question the teacher asked. My friend turned out to be really smart.

At lunch break ( when everyone are together)

Gorya- medicine sucks
Ren- this is just the start.
Thyme- business is quite easy and understandable.
MJ ( while throwing his bag on the chair and glaring at Thyme) - easy my foot! It feels like they are teaching in german. I don't get anything at all.
Thyme- well that is because you are dumb.
Gorya- ok now stop. What about you too how was your day??(looking at Kavin and Kaning who are smiling at each other)
Kavin- quite good
Kaning- it is a bit difficult but it is still bearable.
Gorya- I guess everyone is going to have free time except us.
Ren- Yup that,s the life of medicine students.
Thyme- What do u mean by u won,t have time???
Gorya- my schedule is packed with assignments and lab work.
Thyme- Awww!! I really wanted to go on a date this Saturday.
Gorya- I guess I,ll try to manage.
Thyme- thanks but pls don,t take too much stress.
Gorya- ok I promise.

Others are looking at them with teasing eyes because they are being all lovey dovey. They just blushed and looked away.

Author,s note

I hope u guys enjoyed this chapter please vote and comment so I can get more ideas. Keep reading. Have a nice day.

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