Chapter 1

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A/N: Your outfit above)

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A/N: Your outfit above)

It was an average day for Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital, the ER was busy with patients and traumas from accidents and the regular doctors doing surgeries or going about their day like any other day. Today however, was going to be anything but normal, well you see it's because of the [H/C] haired girl that just entered the hospital looking around, alittle confused on where she needs to go.

Eventually she walked up to the reception and asked where she could find Owen Hunt which the receptionist replied with a "He's in surgery the moment", so after thanking the woman behind the desk she took a seat in the waiting room, she nervously waited 15 minutes until she spotted a man walk towards the waiting room then explained to a family what was happening with their son and after the family thanked him in relief that their son would be alright then quickly left to go and see him in the ICU.

Afterwards the doctor looked around the waiting room until his blue eyes landed on the [H/C] woman that was sat nervously fiddling with the straps of her handbag which sat on her lap, he walked over to her figuring that she was who the receptionist said was waiting to talk with him although he didn't recognize or know who she was, noticing that he was now stood in front of her [Y/N] quickly got up and greeting him with a polite smile.

"You must be Owen Hunt, right? Or have I got the wrong person?"

Owen)"No, no, your right. I'm Dr. Owen Hunt, the receptionist paged me saying that someone was asking for me and I'm guessing it was you right?"

"Yes that was me, but um do you maybe have somewhere we could possibly talk in private perhaps? That is if you're free to talk now that is?"

[Y/N] nervously tumbled over her word's but eventually she managed to get the right one's out, a little confused but still Owen showed her to a room where they could talk alone away from the hospital bustle, once the door was shut behind her [Y/N] let out a sigh as she placed her bag on the table and mentally prepared herself for the awkward convocation she's about to have with this man she doesn't even know.

Owen could tell that she was nervous as she was pacing the floor a little and biting her thumbnail which only made him start feeling alittle worried about what this 18 year old wanted with him, he started to list off different scenarios in his head what it could be but nothing really stuck out much until one thought entered his mind, in denial he only shook it off hoping it wasn't that as he was finally in a good place with Amelia.

"Ok well I'm not one for just beating around the bush so I'm just going to say it and I mean no disrespect or anything, I also don't mean to just drop this on you while you're at work and I swear I'm not a stalker or anything. Omg I'm rambling again"

Taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself down, even before she thought about trying to explain the situation at hand again, once her head was clear and she way alittle calmer she pulled out two of the chairs at the table one for her and the other for Owen before gesturing for him to sit; he hesitantly walked over and taking a seat that was in from of the girl.

"Let me try this again, shall we? My name is [Y/N] Jadefell, I'm 18 years and18 years ago my mother gave me up for adoption. So, I don't know who my biological parents are but recently I found this letter from my birth mother, she told me who she was and who my father was and that's where you come into the picture-





-Owen, I think you're my father"

Hearing this big news at this early in the morning wasn't something Owen Hunt was ever expecting to hear, it actually made him slightly scared for this new information to actually be true and if so, who exactly is her mother? He would remember if he had a kid with someone unless they didn't tell him and just decided to keep it a secret for all these years.

Getting up raking his hands through his hair as he started to pace around the room trying to remember who he slept with 18 years ago that could qualify to be your mother but came back with nothing, unless it happened when he was drunk then it would make sense, either way he had to make sure that everything she was saying was true.

Owen)"Okay um here's what we're going to do, we're going to go down and find an empty exam room to draw some blood for a blood test then we'll know for sure if everything you're saying is true"

"And if it is? What then? Listen, I only wanted to come and meet you then let you know you have a kid, nothing else. I'm not looking for easy money or anything. So, once you've gotten whatever proof you need, I'll leave you alone, okay?"

Once she finished speaking, she got up from her chair grabbed her bag before putting the chair back how they were then walked to the door, Owen knew that whatever the results came back as he couldn't just let her walk away with unanswered questions about who her parents are. After bloods was drawn and sent off to the lab to be tested along with the necessary stuff for a DNA test, the agonizing waiting game began, it only took 5 minutes before the test results came back which confirmed that he was her father.

"Well if you look at that, I was right, looks like you're my daddy after all"

With a teasing tone in her voice and a smirk on her lips [Y/N] placed the piece of paper down on the bed she was sat on and looked over to a shocked Owen which turns out was her dad after all, once he'd recovered from his shock a smile slipped across his face loving the new idea of having a daughter although it was weird to know that he'd missed 18 years of [Y/N]'s life Owen was going to make sure he was there for the rest of his daughters life no matter what.

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