-Chapter 2-

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[Y/N]'s Pov-

It's been a few weeks since I found ay bio father and he was actually pretty cool. He told me although he didn't know who or remembered my mother, to his embarrassment, he would put in the effort to always be there for me if I ever needed anything and if I ever needed anything to just ask him which I was extremely greatful for and alittle surprised with how well hes taking this life altering news.

Owen also told me all about his time serving in the army, about his medical training and all the war stories he had, it was really eye opening to hear all about these life experiences he had through those years of serving in Iraq, I had a whole new meaning to appreciation for those who serv to protect their country. 

Last weekend I spent the weekend with Owen, he introduced me to his girlfriend Amelia, and we all spent those two days getting to one another like are interests, hobbies and likes or dislikes. It was a really amazing time; I had a load of fun but once Monday morning swung around, I had to leave back to my little apartment that I shared with my partner and my college roommate. My partner and I have been together for at least 2 years, we met in my 2nd year where as they were in their last year of highschool, it was rocky for the first few months in our relationship; but we made it work and here we are 2 years later still going stronger than ever.

"I'm home!"

I called into the apartment as I slipped off my shoes after getting back from doing a grocery run, walking into the kitchen I was met with the sight of my partner standing at the stove cooking dinner and once hearing me enter the room they turned around greeting me with a gently kiss on the lips which I smiled at as I placed the bags on the counter, it wasn't long before my best friend and roommate popped his head into the kitchen then a big smile broke out once he saw ive been food shopping.

Ash)"Thank God you went food shopping; I was going to die if I don't have my favorite snacks while I game"

"You're so dramatic Ash, no wonder your majoring in Theater and Drama"

Ash)"And your such a party pooper; no wonder your working towards either med school or being a paramedic"

His comment made me laugh as I put the food away in their respective places with the help of Storm, which was my partner, once all the food was put away it was only 10 minutes after that dinner was done so we all grabbed a plate and ate dinner. Ash went off to his room to do his gaming which left me and Storm the living room, so we decided a quiet night in with a movie marathon of all of our favorite movies was amazing idea, we managed to watch 3 movies before I fell asleep halfway through the 4th one.

The next morning...

I was woken up by my alarm on my phone which made me fall off the sofa in surprise but soon groaned realizing that I started my work placement at station 19 today for 2 weeks then after that I was doing the same but at Grey-Sloan for 2 weeks because my homeroom mentor was really urging me to make up my mind on what I wanted to major in, so after breakfast I had a shower putting on some sporty cloths not exactly knowing what to expect and my hair up in a messy bun.

I was woken up by my alarm on my phone which made me fall off the sofa in surprise but soon groaned realizing that I started my work placement at station 19 today for 2 weeks then after that I was doing the same but at Grey-Sloan for 2 weeks becau...

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A/N: Your outfit and hair above - Hairstyle optional)

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A/N: Your outfit and hair above - Hairstyle optional)

Kissing Storm on the cheek I thanked them for giving me a lift to station 19 on their way to their apprenticeship as a cook in a well-known restaurant which I was proud of them for snagging, after we say our goodbyes, I got out of the car and grabbed my bag also the box of baked goods which I made yesterday morning.

Waving them off I then headed up the mass number of steps until the top where I could finally enter the front doors, I was greeted by a dark-skinned guy which was sat at the front desk, so I greeted him back with a polite smile and explained why I was there for which he then pointed to the door opposite to the front desk where the captain's office was.

I was shown all around the firehouse and all the different equipment before being introduced to all of the people which was on shift especially the people that I was going to stick with for the next 2 weeks, they varied every shift, it wasn't long until a medical call came in and the ambulance was on its way with me in the back. Today on ambulance duty was Andy and Ben, while on our way to the emergency Andy asked me why I was doing my work placement at a fire station for which I was hesitant on answering because it was rather personal.

"I never had a normal childhood; I was adopted by a lesbian couple, so I was only known as "the girl with two moms" or "the gay chicks' daughter". They gave me all the love I ever needed but in middle school my mom, Crystal, was killed. It was clearly not an accident but the person responsible got off clean because they had connections, I want to do something meaningful with whatever time I have in my life because my mom would approve if she was here. Besides, I also might get it from my bio dad as he's a doctor at Grey-Sloan Hospital"

After explaining myself Ben glanced into the rearview mirror at me as he asked who my father was which then got us onto that subject for the remainder of our journey to the emergency call. I helped them with whatever they told me to do or get for them and eventually we got the patient to the hospital alive thankfully, it was a trauma, so I wasn't surprised to see my dad at the ambulance by when we dropped the patient off.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2022 ⏰

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