Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Jake's POV

Jake was currently walking in the cold to his pizzeria. The Popgoes Pizzeria where he would have to deal with everyone once more including this rabbit that has been terrorizing him lately. So, on the walk there he was fine, nothing was wrong, and he was not throwing up blood or seeing the rabbit. But the moment he got to the pizzeria he started to cough lightly. "What the-" Jake muttered to himself as it unexpectedly that he started to cough. At first it was not that much so he decided to ignore the coughing as he figured it could be from a cold he caught or just being out in the cold. Anyways Jake walked into the pizzeria, looking around a bit before sighing. "Oh new art." He said looking around with a smile before he walked into the main room.

Jake looked at the room and took a deep breath. "Alright... Let's get this day over." Jake muttered quietly. That was when he spotted Saffron and Sarah in the pizzeria. He mentally prepared for being called things or their arguing. So, Jake headed over to them and put up a fake smile. So, going to the twins, he questioned his life and what he was about to do. "Hey Saffron, Sarah What you two up to?"  Jake asked as he waited for an answer from the two. He was also hearing a ringing that wasn't heard by the others sadly but anyways he was waiting for an answer
The two squirrels looked at Jake then to themselves. "We are fine Jake. But you, okay?" Sarah the squirrel answered and asked as well, seeing something seemed to be off with Jake. But she shrugged it off, looked to Jake, and thought about something since being the smarter sibling. "Oh, Umm I am fine." Jake responded to the question as something really did seem off with him today. But he was always a quirky one or well odd one. Luckily, he hasn't died yet.

Jake looked at the two before putting a hand on his head. Yes, he didn't feel the best but still he was fine for now. "Hey, Saffron, Sarah Ima go to my office please don't do anything." He said before going to the office and groaning in slight pain. "Why now?... Why me?... Can't I have a decent job?..." he asked himself as he sighed and looked at the floor and coughed. He didn't feel the best since he got there, and he didn't know the reason or cause. Cause this happened suddenly. He was simply fine before entering the pizzeria and now he felt like shit.

Meanwhile, Sara was a little worried and was talking with Saffron about how Jake didn't look too good and all. "Saffron, I think we should check on Jake, He didn't look the best. I am worried." The blue skirt animatronic squirrel said as she showed that worried look on her face. Well, no it wasn't on her face since she couldn't change her expression sadly, but this squirrel was still worried either way. Saffron had looked at Sarah with a curious look before looking back at the office. "You're not the only one concerned about Jake. But he seems like he's holding up fine by the looks of it. But if you want, we can check on him." She spoke to Sara.

In the background was a weasel that was watching and listening to the two girls ramble on about how Jake wasn't doing his best and that should call Dylan or well Blonde-haired man. But this weasel knew that Dylan couldn't help someone who might die but they could. "Hmm." Popgoes the Weasel hummed to himself as he moved to the Office to check on Jake. But when he got to the office he froze. They're lied Jake a puddle of blood around him... But when he managed to move, he ran to the brunette man that was lying on the floor, grabbed him, and checked his pulse. "JAKE!" Popgoes yelled at the passed-out man. But luckily, he only passed out and not die. When Popgoes yelled, everyone came running to the office and looked shocked. Popgoes looked pissed off as he looked at the other. "Call Blonde man." He demanded from Blake.
Blake grabbed the phone and instantly dialed Dylan or what Popgoes calls him 'Blonde-man.' He waited for the phone to be picked up and answered. This was a serious matter since it involved Jake, their current owner. "c'mon c'mon..." Blake said panicked. Sara and Saffron were shocked and worried. So, they went to Jake. But Popgoes wouldn't let them near Jake. He kind of scratched at them. So, the two squirrels backed up and looked concerned for Jake and Popgoes.

Dylan & Sammy POV
Prior to the Phone Call
Dylan was just working on some of the paperwork for his restaurant. But after some time, he got up and went to wherever the fuck Sammy ran off too. All Dylan wanted was to be next to her and well just to enjoy her company really. So, when he got from the office, he looked around the place and let out an irritated sigh. "SAMMY? YOU HERE?" He called as he wondered if Sam was still here or not. But he still didn't stop looking until he knew she wasn't around the pizzeria. He just seemed tired. But that was normal for him

Sammy was asleep in her office, sleeping peacefully since she was tired prior to coming to work. So, her break time was her sleep time and she kind of just fell asleep the rest of the day she was there. But it wasn't something she would normally do, but she was plain out exhausted. So even after Dylan yelled for her, she didn't wake up. She was dead asleep, like just fast asleep.

When Dylan finally came to Sammy's room, he gave a small chuckle seeing her asleep on the desk. So going into the room he went to Sammy after pulling another Chair up. "You must've been tired." He whispered as he grabbed Sammy and pulled her to him. And well just kind of stayed there holding his sleeping Sammy. Now he had just picked her up and moved her to him. Once that was done, he started to gently play with her hair. Gently braid it and mess with it afterwards . But eventually Dylan fell asleep holding the green and purple haired demon. Sammy just held onto whoever had her lightly. Plus, she was quite comfortable on Dylan

Now since the two were asleep, Blank came up and took a photo of them. Before walking to the main room before looking at the group which consisted of the twins, Blue, Red, Orange, Vinnie, and Rat n cat. "Hey." He called the group while pulling out his phone again. Once he was by the group, he showed them the photo of Dylan and Sammy just asleep together. "it's been a bit since he's been asleep." Blank Said as he with a small laugh.

The others looked at the picture and basically squealed at the image except for Vinnie of course. Since he was an emo basically. But other than that, the Twins ran to the office to see Sammy and Dylan asleep. Blue followed them to make sure they didn't wake up the two. Cause Dylan and Sammy needed sleep. So, once the two seen the scene between Sammy and Dylan they were both quietly squealing happily. But Nothing like that lasts forever sadly, cause the phone started to ring.
The Phone Call
When the phone rang it startled both Sammy and Dylan from their sleep. "h-huh!?" Dylan spoke as if it wasn't a very long nap for him. But he looked at the phone and wandered who the fuck was calling him at a late time. So, Sammy got off Dylan and went to the phone and sighed. "It's from Popgoes Dylan..." She said as she moved out the way so Dylan could answer the phone. "I wander what the owner needs?..." she said quietly.

Dylan just sighed and looked at the phone before going over and grabbing it. He finally answered the phone. "Hello?" he called whoever was on the other end of the phone. He was questioning who was calling cause his phone was usually an emergency number so whoever called must make this important. That is when the animatronic Blake answered the question. "Dylan Get Over Here Now! It's Jake... He was passed out by the desk surrounded by Blood!" He exclaimed worriedly over the phone. "Also, Popgoes won't let us get close to Jake right now..." Blake added to a panicked sentence
Dylan looked worried and slightly panicked as he faced Sammy, "I-...I have to go Sam!" he said as he grabbed his keys to his truck and ran out the building as quickly as possible so he could get to Jake's place sooner than later. Sammy ran after Dylan. "Blank you're in charge.!" She shouted out as she easily caught up to Dylan. She was curious about why Dylan was panicky and in a rush. So, when she caught up to Dylan, she grabbed him by the arm and stopped. "Dylan Hey what's going on?" She asked worriedly. She barely ever saw Dylan panic this much before.

The blondie looked at the green and purple haired woman and sighed. "Someone that collaborates with me is in danger I have to go!" He spoke as he pulled away from Sammy and ran to his vehicle. But Sammy ran with him and jumped into the vehicle. Sammy clearly looked worried as Dylan started his truck and backed out the driveway and kinda sped off to Popgoes Hella worried. Jake was like a brother to him. Sammy was worried for Dylan and why he was so panicked. But she would soon find out why he was so panicked.

No Ones POV

Once Dylan pulled into Popgoes he stopped the truck, hopped out the truck, and ran in. Sammy had gotten out and followed Dylan into the place and looked worried. So, when both Dylan and Sammy got to the office, Sammy froze and stared horrified while Dylan ran over to Jake only to be stopped by Popgoes who lashed out by trying to scratch him. Dylan took a deep breath. "Popgoes 010 Shut down." He said as the Weasel shut down. Dylan went over and grabbed Jake. "Jake? Wake up. I don't like this." Dylan spoke as he looked worried. Sammy went over. "W-We should get him to the hospital Dylan." She said trying to remain calm as she was kind of freaked out. 

Dylan sighed and tossed Sammy his keys. "Take him to the hospital Sam. I need to talk to them." Dylan said as Sammy caught the Keys, grabbed Jake, and carried him to the car. Meanwhile, Dylan panicked. Sammy, however, drove to the hospital with a Jake who was still passed out. Once, Sammy got to the hospital and she rushed Jake into the building. She didn't know much about Jake. Jake was taken to a room in the hospital. While waiting to get all clear to see Jake in the room. Which took about 4-5 damn hours for Sammy to be allowed back there. So, she called up Dylan. "Hey Dylan, Jake is supposedly fine." She said once Dylan answered.

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