A Shock To The System!

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Yo, waddup Wattpad? It's me, RinOta, hitting you guys with another new story! Now, not only is this an MHA fanfic, but it also has to do with an idea that's been brewing in my head for a long while. So, I'm a huge fan of Static Shock(which is majorly underrated btw) and the main hero himself, Static. Since there are a lot of fics where Deku has different powers, I thought it'd make sense to search for one where he has the same powers as Static, and to my surprise, I found none! And I was pretty annoyed by the lack of fics concerning this topic, so I decided to take a page from Thanos' book and make one myself! I think I've rambled enough, so whaddya say we skip straight into the story, shall we...?😏


There are many ways people like to describe life.

Some say life is precious.

Some say life is cruel.

Some say life isn't worth living.

But there's one particular thing people say A LOT about this topic.

Life is unfair.

And that was a lesson Izuku Midoriya not only had to learn at a tender age...

But also grow to overcome ...


"Izuku...?" A feminine voice called as it knocked at the door to a certain room.

At the mention of his name, a certain freckled teen with green hair and black highlights slowly awoke from his slumber, moaning as he raised his head from his pillow.

"Yes, mom...?" Midoriya groggily replied, still clinging onto the covers on his body.

"Honey, aren't you going to get up and get ready for school?" His mother, Inko Midoriya, questioned.

"It's only 5:00 in the morning, mom..." The teen groggily replied, placing his head back on his pillow, "I can still get in a few more minutes of sleep..."

A moment of silence briefly flooded the atmosphere before the older Midoriya finally broke it.

"Izuku.... It's 6:55..."

The green-haired teen's eyes almost immediately snapped open, threatening to pop out of their sockets.

"WHAT?!" He yelled in disbelief.

Quickly rising up from his bed, he checked his All-Might themed alarm clock to see that his mother was indeed telling the truth.

'... AHH CRAP!!' He mentally shouted in terror.

As if all traces of sleep had vanished from his body, the greenette scrambled out of his bed, hastily rushing out of his bedroom door to the bathroom, unaware of his startled mother who had quickly sidestepped in order to avoid being the target of the swiftly-opened barrier.

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