A New Power & A New Friend🦎

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'Did that gas explosion... Give me a... Q-Quirk...?!'

The shocked figure of Izuku Midoriya was currently staring at his form, still crackling with electricity, in a mixture of curiosity and disbelief.

'B-But that's... T-That's impossible!' The greenette mentally exclaimed in his head, 'T-The whole point of quirks is that they're meta abilities which are unique to only one individual. T-There's no possible way or means someone can gain another quirk apart from the one they've been given... S-So there's no way that gas gave me a quirk!'

And what he was saying was true.

Every individual in this modern age was born with their own quirk that was granted to them at birth.

And even though there have been cases of children being born with two quirks, the fact still remains that the quirk you're born with is the only one you have for the rest of your life.

There's no means that exists in this world which allows somebody to gain another superpower other than the one they have, which means it's pretty much impossible for that gas explosion to have somehow given Izuku a quirk!

'And yet.... I-It's the only conclusion that makes sense somehow....' The freckled teen concluded with furrowed eyebrows, 'I-I mean if that purple gas clearly did something to all those other men at the docks... Then who's to say I didn't get affected as well...?' He asked, bringing a hand to his chin.

'Or could it be that my quirk just developed recently, and I was a late bloomer without anyone realizing it...?' He theorized, 'But then why would it happen to show up the day right after I came in contact with that gas...? Or maybe my quirk was somehow dormant and inhaling that gas must've awakened it or something...!'

The green-haired teen was so deep in his thinking process that he didn't even realize the sparks flowing through his body had dimmed.

The lights then suddenly went off, making the teen slightly jump.

"The lights!" He yelped in surprise before he quickly realized what happened as he gazed at the switch, 'O-Oh... Right... Forgot I did that...'

However, before Midoriya could move towards the switch and flip it, the bulb which lit the room suddenly fell from the ceiling.

Alerted by the sudden movement, the greenette stuck his hand out to try and grab the bulb.

However, the result that came was far from the greenette's expectations, as when he stuck his hand out, what looked like an orb of electricity shot out from his hand and stopped the object in place.

"W-What the?!" He exclaimed in shock, "W-What am I doing?!!"

'I... I-I only tried to catch the lightbulb... A-And yet it's floating now!' He commented in bewilderment.

'But... H-How am I making it levitate with... Electricity...?' The teen thought with confusion, 'I-I thought I could only control electric objects...!'

Noticing how the bulb was still levitating, the teen decided to see if he could float it towards him, which worked.

'I-It worked...!' He stated as he held the bulb in his hand, which lit it up, 'But... How did I do that...? I don't think it's possible for something be to floated with electricity... Or could it be a quirk like the one mom has...? Like some sort of electric telekinesis power...?' He questioned.

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