Making Things Right

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To say that Izuku Midoriya was anxious would be a complete understatement.

The green-haired teen had been standing in front of the door to his home for about 10 minutes straight, unable to move a single inch.

Although it wasn't that he didn't want to go inside, he was unsure if he'd be able to face the person he'd inevitably have to see.

'... I-I can't move... M-My legs are still shaking...' He mentally commented in anxiety, 'I don't know if I can face her....'

Sure, her texting him proved that she was still willing to talk to him, but he was still anxious nonetheless.

How could he even face her? He pretty much unfairly blew up in her face just for being worried about him, even though that was her job as a mother, and ran out.

Maybe he should just walk away and never come ba-


'No! I can't keep running away from my problems like a coward!' He scolded himself with a hard smack, 'If I don't tackle them head-on, then I won't ever be able to grow stronger...!'

Plus, even though they hadn't seen each other for just a day, he really did miss being with his mom...

With his resolve now strengthened, the greenette calmed himself with a deep breath and placed his hand on the doorknob before finally opening the door and entering his home before he could get cold feet.

As soon as he got inside, the first thing that greeted him was his anxious mother sat at the dining table, twiddling her thumbs.

Her eyes darted towards his figure, and they slightly widened in a mixture of surprise and relief.

"I-Izuku...?" She silently uttered his name.

"U-Uhhh... Hey, mom..." He sheepishly greeted as he rubbed his hair and averted her gaze before pulling out his phone, "... I-I got your text earlier. Y-You said you wanted to talk...?"

"... Y-Yes. I did." She confirmed before looking a bit downcast, "... But, if you still don't want to see me then-"

"N-No no no, it's fine!" He hastily assured her, "I-I actually wanted to speak with you too."

His assurance surprised her, but she was slightly relieved nonetheless.

"O-Okay... Then, do you mind sitting down...?" She asked.

"N-Not at all." He replied as he took a seat opposite her at the dining table before a brief silence overtook the atmosphere.

'... I'm getting a bit of déjà vu here...' He thought to himself.


"... Y-Yeah?" He responded a bit apprehensively.

"I've been thinking about our conversation from yesterday, and what you said during our argument..." She revealed somberly.

He stayed silent but listened attentively as she spoke.

"... And I think you're right."

"Huh?!" Izuku uttered in shock, not expecting her to say that at all.

"I haven't been supportive to you at all..." She stated in a solemn tone, "I should have broken the news to you lightly and talked to you about it... But instead, I just pulled you out of U.A and told you my decision without even giving you a choice."

'Wuh... What is she saying...?' He mentally asked in near catatonia as he watched her tremble.

"... I'm supposed to be the one person in your life that supports you no matter what you do and yet I haven't put any faith in you or your dream despite knowing how much it means to you..." Inko was starting to tear up as she continued to berate herself, "I-I've been a terrible mom, and I'm sure you think the same..."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 01 ⏰

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