chapter 1: part 1 "And So It Begins"

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Once upon a time there "The man on the stage gets cut off by a woman in an emerald green dress, pushing him off to the Side," Sorry love, but no one needs that beginning with a story that's never gonna end so I'll handle it." She winks at him with a smile. The man smiles back and lets her take over, handing her the mic, helping her sit on the chair that a person in the crowd handed to them.,"Now" The woman clears her that to sound clear."This story begins seven years ago..." (story begins). A woman in a blue almost white long sundress, looking out from the window waiting for the man in a dark gray suit, talking to the man living across the street to come inside to eat dinner with her and their eleven-month-old daughter who was sitting in a child's play pin so she wouldn't roam into the kitchen and hurt herself. Finally, the man walks into the home smiling at the woman, with a monotone voice "Emily, what in the world are you doing standing at the window?" She turns around to look at him and looks down at her hands where a paper she held, then looks back up at the man.

"Ivan, look at what came in." With a soft voice, she walks over to Ivan, handing him the envelope. He looks at the envelope, concerned about what it could be, then reads what was written on it. "Ivan Harperten" was written on the front. He then started undoing the envelope, taking out the paper, and started reading.

"Ivan, my friend, as your daughter's one year birthday is next month, would you be doing the one year festival? If so, call me during my work hours on my work phone until I get my home phone fixed. Until then my friend, see you soon.
Signed, Nurse Marcus"

The look of shock fell on his face, running to the calendar, slipping and falling, with throwing himself up to his feet. As he looks at the calendar, looking at the baby pictures with dates, back at the calendar, at the pictures, calendar, pictures, and a last look at the calendar. Emily walked over to him, now holding their daughter, who reached out to her father. Ivan reaches his hand out to her to grab, with a smile lowering his voice and head so Emily barely heard him "hey, little one, you're almost one. Would you like a one year festival?" Emily bent her neck confused, wanting to know what her husband said. Their daughter makes a face towards her parents, then laughs. Both Ivan and Emily, knowing that the festival will be up to them, Emily finally spoke. "Darling, should we eat now? The food has been sitting there, and it's going to get cold." He nods and agrees, then walks to the dining room.

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