Ch:1 Part:2

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Hey, sorry for the wait, but I have been busy with school so I just want to put this out before you read this. In this part there is arguing, yelling, and visiting of the past, so I thought I should just put this out IDK but putting this part just felt necessary.  Anyway, I hope you enjoy.

It was finally eight days till Halloween, Emily woke to her daughter's laughter. She then turned to see if Ivan had left to put their child back to sleep as they only put her to bed five hours ago. Seeing that Ivan was still in the bed next to her, her eyes wide and pupils dilated with fear. Emily threw off the covers, running toward the room which was two doors down. Opening the door, she saw a dark figure looming over the bed, making funny faces and mocking what a parent would do when the baby would cry. Emily yelled as the man put his hand out to allow the little one to grab his finger. As he pulled his hand back from the bed, he turned around. Seeing Emily standing there with horror and anger, she yelled again to prove a point "GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!" The man didn't move from where he was, just to piss her off even more than she was. In the room Ivan woke up to the noise, panicking. He threw himself off the bed, grabbing his bow and arrow running to his daughter's room. As soon as he got there, he had no thought immediately shooting an arrow toward him, but the man rushed out the window, doing nothing to fight back from Ivan shooting his arrow. Emily, not caring for the glass on the floor, running to grab her daughter, picking her up, holding her close immediately, breaking down into tears "oh, Ayra my sweet baby, your okay, your okay." Ivan stood there knowing if he ran after him, he would be attacked by hero's and arrested by police because his weapon would be recognized as the bow and arrow "Striker." (When shot it would wrap around the person's neck, choking them only to then stab them; the arrows dipped in snake venom leading the person to a slow death.)

As the morning came, Ivan nor Emily slept the rest of the night waiting to see if the man came back to do harm. Emily, with her voice raspy, finally broke the silence to allow some comfort. "You didn't know him, did you?" Ivan lifted his head from it, sitting on the top of his bow, laying a bra on his chin, his voice also raspy. "No, I didn't. But how come you didn't wake me up?"

"Because you would have never woken up." Emily turned to look at him.

"Wouldn't have!? You just went in there and could have been hurt. " Shocked and angry at the fact she would say he sat upright."

"I know how to defend myself, Ivan, I might be a retired, "villain" but it means nothing!" She now raises her voice

"It does. You turned your weapon into the police and only had to serve five years because of good behavior and agreeing to never pick up a weapon again!"

"You have to be fucking kidding me-"

Ivan was about to yell back until they heard Arya crying. They both looked down at the playpen they moved to the middle of the room. Ivan looked away and at the ground, embarrassed at the fact that he yelled at his wife and in front of his daughter. Emily who got up and walked away to calm down from the argument. Ivan got to the floor and picked up Arya. Finally calmed down, he took her to Emily, who was calming herself down by cleaning up the glass that was still in the room. Instead of talking, all he did was knock on the door to get her attention, but she just ignored him and put the glass in the trash. He knocks again on the door again and Emily just looks at him and then goes back to pick up the glass.

After a while, Emily came out of the room with a hard drive from the camera in the room, making her way to the kitchen, where Ivan was making food for them. "Ivan, can we look at the footage to figure this out?" It surprised him that she wanted to look at the footage because she hated looking at cameras. "Sure, let me just finish up here, then we can look at it." Emily nodded at him, then walked to the couch in the living room. After they ate, Ivan plugged the hard drive into his computer. The footage on the video showed a dark cloud appear, then a man coming through and collapsing to the floor The camera had a sound, but the man looked up, seeing the camera and back down to see what the camera was pointing to. Seeing the bed, he panicked, looking everywhere for an exit, but not seeing one because of how dark it was. As he goes to stand up, he stepped on a toy that was on the floor, making noise, waking up Arya making her cry. He then just runs and starts making faces to stop her from crying, making it worse. He then started wiggling his fingers at her and smiling. Arya stops crying and laughs. That's when the man spoke up, so she knew she was safe. "Hey kiddo, you seem happy with me making funny faces. Huh? " The voice was low. Emily shut the computer fast because she knew what was next and didn't want to relive it.

Author's note: Okay, so the next chapter will probably be posted in like 3 or more weeks. The reason for this is because, like I said school exists and not to mention I need to do so editing so it makes at least some sense when I post it. I hope you have a good day and will stick around for chapter 3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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