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It's finnally my favourite time of the month of June!!!!
My birthday.
What could be a more better, no the best gift to get on your birthday than your crush giving you your favourite chocolate.
Yes, you got it correct I got one from him.
I blushed when he showed me the chocolate but I refused out of courtesy. He thought I wasn't looking but I was pretending not to when he put it in my bag when I was about get inside the car to go to school.

As soon I entered the class,
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TEDDY!!!!!" said everyone. Teddy, my nickname given by my friends cause they think I look like one.

After class ended,
I opened my phone which was bombarded with wishes and posts on stories. And in between was a follow back request from Aaron. It's been days I had sent him the request and I finally got accept. I couldn't stop the butterflies in my stomach from flying.
As you might be wondering how I got his account id.

Back on the 2nd dose vaccination day, where I left it off, the door bell rang. I opened the door. And I couldn't recognise who it was even though the person looked similar to Aaron.

"Hey there! What's up? Are you Aaron's girlfriend? Damn man, he got one before I did. "

I blushed with the thought of me as Aaron's Girlfriend but it soon went away and Aaron came back and replied

"Nah bro, she's just a close friend of mine"

"Bro!? He is your brother and I don't even know?"

I don't know why I overreacted at that time but I know everything about him which is not an exaggeration and this was something which I didn't know at all.

"Yeah, Madison. You might not know it cause he's my cousin who lives in India. And its been almost 4 years since we last met."

"Quite nice of you to come without prior notice. If you were an hour earlier you'd had to return back to India."

A few hours later,
As we were all hungry we went to the nearby departmental shop and got some snacks.
I asked his name, he replied
"Kiddo, its Rajvendra but you can call me Raj"

Next day,
I searched for Raj's account in Instagram and I got it sooner than I expected.
I went through all his followers and following lists and Aaron's friend's to get a mutual account which I instantly knew was Aaron's.

Thankfully, I had got it. I hesitated a little but tapped on Follow Request since it was a private account.

And he accepted the request on my birthday. And, him sending me a follow request back was a cherry on the cake. I'm so happy! It's like my best birthday ever!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2023 ⏰

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