Chapter 10

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Harry's POV

After that nice family reunion, I wanted time with Emma. Alone.

I was worried. I wanted her to feel safe. I wanted to protect her.

Emma's POV

Harry was actually pretty nice. I mean he is my brother but still he can be nice.

The blonde one keeps staring at me. I mean ACCA-AWKWARD!!!!! My mum is distant but keeps that genuine smile on her face.

The doctor told my mum I should talk about being homeschooled because eventually it's going to get out that I'm One directions sister and they don't want harm coming to visit any more than it has.

I'm not exactly happy that I can't go to the mall with friends, not that I had some anyway, but still that was a freedom. I now have to go with Hal- mini Paul. But he's cool.

Apparently Harry and his mates are gonna be staying for a while. They actually have to stay for 6 months. My mum offered our house to them and they gladly accepted. Oh joy.

Anne's POV

I'm worried. Harry wants to take Emma under his wing. I love Harry dearly and trust him but his little leprechaun mate can't keep his eyes of my baby Emma, as long as he keeps his hands off I'm all right. I mean I've got James- Harry's and Emma's step-dad. If Emma wants to, I respect her choice.

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