Chapter 20

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"Where's Oscar?" The King asks. "Do you see him out there?"

The storm has passed and the snow and ice now covers the ground in layers. The elves are peaking out of their shelter, looking for Oscar.

"No, your Highness." Thythwig says, looking out. "May I suggest he made it to Waergawicm?"

"Yes, you may." The King says. "Okay men, and Labhaoise, let's go to Waergawicm. Leave the horses here."

"On your command, your Highness." Alojzy says. "Move out!"

As a group the walk to Waergawicm, on top of the snow and ice, only falling through the layers when their nimble feet allow. It takes the an hour to reach the cave, and they see Oscar's strained horse asleep on the cave floor. They don't rest at all, but begin searching for any clues pertaining to either Oscar or Jovena. It is Cadabyr who finds the sword in the Zeph stone first.

"I found something!" Cadabyr calls to his comrades. "It seems to be Jovena's sword, but the stones are red instead on blue."

Labhaoise comes to look. "I have read about the Rider's sword in a book before. It says when a sword of a new Rider in struck into a golden dragon stone, also known as Zeph stones, they become stronger and change to the color of that Riders' dragon. It was called the Aeolos effect, I believe."

"You sure read a lot." Beadurinc says.

"It calms me." Labhaoise tells him.

"Okay, enough, so where is Jovena then?" Alojzy asks.

"She should be down that way, if I am correct." Labhaoise tells them, pointing past the Zeph stone.

"You better be." Alojzy says, warningly. "Move!"

The elves move down through the cave, then disappear one by one into the darkness. Labhaoise and Cadabyr stay with the King, to protect him if anything happens. Then come the screams.


Jovena lies on her back against the wall, Eedris on her stomach. Oscar is asleep next to them, snoring lightly.

"Do you think the elves have found us yet?" Jovena asks Eedris telepathically.

"I don't see them anywhere, not do I here them." Eedris tells her.

"I hope we can get out of here." Jovena tells him.

"I do too. I want to grow so I can fly and shoot fire." Eedris tells her.

"I want to see you do that." Jovena says, smiling.

"You will, I promise." Eedris says.

"Good." Jovena says. At the same moment, screams erupt from above them. Jovena jumps up along with Eedris. Jovena recognizes the voices of the elves quickly, and rushes over to the tunnel she fell out of.

She feels around on the inside of the tunnel for hand holes and foot holds. She finds small opening in the rock on one side of the tunnel and starts climbing as best she can.

"Jovena! Jovena! What are you doing!?" Eedris yells, panicked.

"Climbing." Jovena tells him. "Get on-" (She takes a breath.) "-Get on my shoulders." Eedris does as told and together, the climb up through the tunnel. After moments, Jovena is at the top of the tunnel, pulling herself and Eedris out.

She sight she sees shocks her more than anything before. A stone dragon stands, slashing at the elves, in the middle of the cave, filling the whole capacity of the cave. Eedris nips Jovena, breaking her out of her trance.

"We have to save them!" Eedris says to Jovena in her head. She nods in agreement.

Without a plan, she rushes forward and lunges for Daithi, who is still buried in the golden stone. By the time she reaches her sword, the stone beast has taken notice of Jovena. At the same time Jovena pulls Daithi out of the stone, the dragon swipes at her, and his strike hits true.

Jovena is slammed against the wall and is out cold in seconds. Eedris panics and rushes over to her. Instinctively, he breathes on her face, and her eyes flutter open. She looks at Eedris for a moment and then looks at the (still fighting) elves and stone beast. Jovena stands unsteadily, then falls back against the wall. She grasps Daithi, and throws him with all her might at the chest on the dragon.

The blade pierces the dragons chest and the beast freezes, then slowly reduces to ashes. Moments later, Jovena collapses a final time.

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