Jovena, Eedris, Oscar, Jifunza, Beadurinc, Clarine, and Jonet are all separated by warriors and led off to different places within the kingdom. Jovena is taken to the tea room in the castle with Jonet. Clarine is taken, along with Oscar and Eedris, back to Jovena's tree. Then Beadurinc and Jifunza are returned to their living establishments and reunited with their friends and family.
Back in the castle, Jovena cradles her sister in her arms, awaiting the King. When he finally enters the room,she is shocked to see a overjoyed man instead of a depressed one.
"I have come up with the most brilliant of plans, my dear!" He exclaims, plopping himself down in one I the extremely cushioned chairs.
"What is it, King Melech?" Jovena asks curiously.
"Well, since Azmariah escaped that night when she was imprisoned, with the help of that traitor Labhaoise, I have needed a new Queen. And do you know who I have choosen, after all my hard thinking?" The King asks.
"Wait, wait, wait!" Jovena says, laying Jonet besides her. "Azmariah escaped? With Labhaoise? She couldn't have..."
"Oh, I know, it's torturous." The King sighs.
"But she was my friend, how could she betray me?" She mumbles to herself, her eyes wide with grief. The King, sensing her pain, gets up and embraces Jovena. She is suprised by this action, but hugs him back.
Then he does another surprising action, pulling a golden ring with a large ruby entwined into the delicate design, and then kneeling down on one knee.
"Jovena Akiela Elswyth." King Abimelech begins. "Will you take my hand in marriage and become the Queen of Eanruig?"
Oscar lies on his bed, listening to Clarine's unstopping yells of complaint. Eedris is upstairs in Jovena's room, awaiting her return. Not able to take the intoxicating complaints any longer, Oscar drags himself off his bed and up to Eedris. When he gets to the top of the stairs, he finds Eedris eating a pile of squirrels.
"Eedris! Where did you get that?!" Oscar says, rushing over to Jovena's bed. "There is blood all over the covers now!"
Eedris ignores him, then his large golden eyes become unfocused. He growls and then darts out to the balcony, the spreads his wings and jumps. He doesn't fly, but falls the the ground lightly. Eedris then takes off towards the castle, full speed. Oscar, suprised by the young dragons outburst, goes back to tidying up the bloodstained blankets.
"Me?" Jovena says, shocked beyond belief. "I am a human, I cannot rule over elves."
"You can if I make a new law." King Melech says, finding an excuse.
"But I came here to avoid getting married." Jovena says.
"To avoid getting married to Prince Kenreik." The King corrects her.
"Why have you chosen me?!" Jovena says, becoming alarmed with the situation.
"Because I had a perfect relationship before you came here. Plus, I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. You can also birth children, Azmariah could not." The King explains.
"But... but..." Jovena tries. Finding no way out of this, she collapses in tears.
"I know, isn't it a wonderful moment!" The King sings, mistaking the tears for tears of joy. He fits the beautiful ring on Jovena's finger, then picks her up and carries her to the bedroom he has assigned her. As this happens, though, Eedris crashes through the window and roars at the top of his lungs. This startles the King and makes him drop Jovena, who rushes over to her now crying sister.
"Warriors!" The King shouts, fearing for his life. Men rush into the room, surrounding the dragon.
"No!" Jovena shouts. "Stop! All of you! Stop!" She trudges over to Eedris.
"What are you doing?" Eedris asks her.
"This is something I have to do. He needs a Queen, and I'm the reason he doesn't have one." Jovena answers, not out loud. Eedris nods, then allows himself to be led away by the guards. The King drapes his arm around Jovena's shoulders and leads her and Jonet up to her new room.
"I will send someone to get your belongings and to retrieve your mother. The maids will be here soon." The King says, closing the door to her room behind her.
Jovena, grief-stricken, trudges over to the large bed and lies Jonet down, then lies down herself. Tears spring from her eyes, and she cries herself to sleep.

The Dragon and His Rider
FantasyCOMPLETED 760 pages total Betrothed to an evil prince, Kenreik, the crown prince to the Kingdom of Guerin, Jovena wishes to escape and be free. But, with maids knocking at her door every other second and expected to birth children for the prince aft...