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The ambulance came and tried shocking him back to life. Everything they tried failed. Nick and Barry came around. I couldn't do anything than watch them try to revive my dad.


We followed the ambulance closely behind. Her dad came back to life. miraculously, the bullet didn't damage any organs. It was 3 days now. She hadn't left her father's bed since he came out of surgery. I walked into the room. She looked at me

Kim: heyy
Me: hey
Kim: wasn't expecting you here
Me: why? you're my friend. Your concern is my concern
Kim: Thanks
Me: uhm, found something to eat yet?
Kim: there's nothing appetizing here
Me: Kimberly, you just got out of surgery, months ago. You shouldn't be doing this to yourself
Kim: I'm staying here till he wakes up

Jayden walked into the room

Me: I think you should get some food and some rest
Kim: I'm fine
Jayden: He's right. Listen to him. Let him take you home. Chloe is on her way here. We can both take care of dad. Go home. Nick would take you and stay with you
Kim: are you sure?
Jayden: yes babe. I am

I took her arm and she followed me out. She got into my car and I drove off. I could tell that there was a lot on her mind but I wasn't sure if she was going to open up to me considering the way things were between us

Me: want to talk?
Kim: no
Me: I'm here for you
Kim: yes you are and I appreciate it but there's nothing to talk about with you
Me: yes there is. We might have broken up but you still owe me tons of explanation
Kim: which ones?
Me: like how you tracked down Harvard in your room and how you've been solving your mom's murder case
Kim: you know everything Nick. There's no point explaining anything to you
Me: yes there is!
Kim: nobody was getting it solved so I was
Me: ever thought that you were the one who led him to you? Your family isn't exactly the on the low type of family. You're all over the tv and the magazines
Kim: what was I supposed to do?
Me: I don't know. I honestly don't know but I do know that you should not have tried to solve it on your own
Kim: nobody was willing to help. Everybody told me to drop it. You included
Me: it was putting you in danger. What was I supposed to do?
Kim: support me
Me: and get you killed? Can you hear yourself right now Kimberly Adams?

She shook her head. I hated it when she was stubborn. I dropped her at home and went in with her. Chloe had already left. There was food in the microwave. I told Kim to get a shower and she did. she didn't come back down. I warmed the food and decided that she would probably want to eat in her room. I got to her room and knocked on the door. There was no response. I opened the door and found her asleep, in her bathrobe. I sighed. She had gone almost 3 days without sleeping. she needed the rest more than anybody did. I covered her up and got under the duvet with her. She turned and curled up to me. She looked like a baby. I hugged her. I missed us, really bad. I wanted her back but now wasn't the time for us to do that. She slept for hours. It was dark when she woke up. She screamed out of her dreams

Kim: Harvard, he's here. He's here. Don't let him take me again please

I held her

Me: Kim, it's just me. He's not here. He's not coming close to you again. He's not. Calm down. It's just me

I hugged her and I was worried. We were do concerned about healing the wounds we can see so bad that we totally ignored the ones we couldn't see. I was scared that she was traumatized. She was scarred so deep and nobody cared about that scar. As long as the physical ones were healing just fine, we were less concerned. My heart broke. I was sorry. I hugged her till she stopped crying. Barry came home drunk. She was back asleep. I went to his room and he was drunk beyond consciousness. I sighed and took of his shoes. I tucked him in bed and got a bottle of water. I placed it by his bedside. He would be needing it when he woke up. I went back to Kim's room and found her awake

Me: are you okay?

She looked up. She was crying

Kim; I'm scared

I hugged her. I wished I could take all her fears and pains away. I really wished I could but I couldn't. It sucked. I made up my mind. I was going to hunt this son of a bitch down till I find him and end him myself.

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