Loving Him Was Time

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I hope you all enjoy :)! The picture on top is Gabriel! AKA the beautiful William Levy.


The first time I saw Anthony, wasn't the greatest moment in my life. In fact to this day it goes down as one of the most embarrassing moments ever, only to be topped by that one time I got really drunk in Dubai and my brother convinced me I could fly. Long story short, my father was not pleased and I had to apologize to the hotel manager and his staff still in boxer briefs and a "F*ck The Police" tee shirt, none of which were mine.

I was walking down the farmers part of the market, not really having any direction as I took in the people around me. I had my usual wide brimmed straw hat that helped keep my locks at bay with the wind. At this time of year there was rarely any harvest happening, so there was a bunch of wine tasting events, food stands from restaurants were opening up to give samples, and there was hand made clothing, and accessories everywhere. It was vibrant and colorful, which didn't bring much attention to me wearing a cream colored sweater dress, and simple nude flats. Ever since I turned 20 in September I've shied away from the bright colors that filled my younger more rebellious days. I only wore heels on special occasions, and I will forever envy my shorter cousins who can wear heels without bringing attention to themselves. 5'8" isn't tall, but when your legs look like they go on for miles without heels, and you don't appreciate male attention, you learn how to tone it down by not wearing heels.

I stopped at the first clothing shop I saw and walking around the stalls they had put up, taking in all the vibrant hues. I looked at all of the costume jewelry they had on top of shelves, and as I walked around I heard a commotion outside. Choosing to ignore the noises, I continued on my way to the hat section. In hindsight I realize that this was probably not the best thing for me to do. As I spotted a hat, sapphire colored with swirls that looked like waves, I immediately took my hat off to try it on. As I placed my hat down, a huge gust of wind knocks it up, and whips it away before I could snatch it. I drop the hat I picked up and went chasing after my hat, my brown curls flying everywhere, I must've looked like a mad woman. Before I could make it to my hat however, as it had landed in the middle of the walkway in the middle of the market, I crashed into something HARD. And this isn't the part where I tell you it was a man, no. It was a container. And not just any container, but one so heavy that it had to be lifted up by two men. And it was filled with wine, which I learned as it poured down onto me.

I was disoriented at first, my head still dizzy from the collision that I thought I started hearing things. For a second I thought I was going insane when I looked up into a pair of brown eyes as this boy, not much older than 15 yelling at me. 'He can't be yelling at me' I thought. As I started coming too, I realized he wasn't even speaking English! He was shouting in another language, and I can tell you right now it wasn't Spanish, French or English. So I just stared up at him, until I looked down and realized the state I was in. Mortification was an understatement of what I felt in that moment. One of my favorite cream dresses, stained with red and pink blotches. My curls flattened against my shoulders and head, and my shoes ruined. And suddenly I wasn't so disoriented anymore. Oh no, disoriented isn't the word for somebody who just had their favorite Chanel slippers ruined. The word is angry. NO! I was infuriated. Even if it was partially my fault for not watching where I was going, I was the one on the floor with a crowd forming around me covered in wine. I soared to my feet, not letting the boy get another word out before screaming.

"What is WRONG with you? Do you just walk around carrying barrels of wine in busy places, just HOPING for a woman to crash into them? Do you know what it's going to TAKE to brush these tangles out of my hair? There isn't enough conditioner in the WORLD! And my slippers! These were perfectly broken into! My favorite kind! All the other ones give me blisters! And look what you've done to them? They're ruined!" I yelled.

The poor boy, I'll never forget the look on his face. He was shocked, nearly terrified. I don't think he's ever had a woman screaming at him, and waving her arms around like a mad woman shouting things about hair products he's never heard of. In fact? I failed to realize he couldn't understand me at all. As I was in the middle of my self righteous, but oh so wrong, speech I heard somebody yelled in the same foreign language as the boy in front of me. And oh, was I ready to give somebody else a piece of my mind, so I whipped around, my hands waving around, eyes looking to burn holes into somebody's head. And that's when I first saw him. Anthony Caprizzi, in all of his glory. He stood a good 4 inches taller than me, and was about twice the size of me in muscle mass, and that wasn't even the part that left my mouth glued together. It was his eyes, so blue I forgot about the hat I saw earlier. The perfect shade of ice blue and sapphire. And boy, was he mad.


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