Chapter 13

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As the night went on, the party began to wind down. Tia Elena stood up and called for everyone's attention. She said, "I just want to take a moment to thank everyone for coming tonight and for making this a wonderful day. We are so blessed to have each other and to have such a loving and supportive family. I want to especially thank Aurora for all her help with the party, and for making the effort to reconnect with her parents. Seeing you all happy and together is the best gift we could ask for." Tia Elena then raised her glass and proposed a toast, "To the family, to love, and to happiness. Salud!" Everyone at the table raised their glasses and repeated "Salud!" in unison

As Pedri and Gavi were sitting and chatting, they were interrupted by one of Pedri's aunts. She approached them and said, "Pedri, my dear, I want to say my goodbyes. And best of luck on the field, ill be watching all your games.  And, by the way, do you have a girlfriend yet?" Pedri laughed, "No, tia, I don't have a girlfriend at the moment. But I've been good, just busy with football and everything." Gavi chimed in, "Yeah, Pedri's been doing great on the field. He's been impressing everyone at FC Barcelona." Pedri's aunt smiled, "That's great to hear. But don't forget to make time for love too. You don't want to end up like your uncle Juan, who's still single at 50." Pedri and Gavi laughed, "Don't worry, tia. We won't end up like uncle Juan." She smiled and patted his head, "Good. Now, go and enjoy the rest of the party. And Pedri, remember, you're still young, but don't wait too long to find a nice girl." Pedri smiled and nodded, "I won't, tia. I promise."

After Pedri's aunt walked away, Gavi turned to Pedri and said, "Hey man, I've been meaning to ask you something. Why don't you ask Sofia out already? I've seen the way you look at her, and I think she likes you too." Pedri looked surprised, "Really? I didn't think she felt that way about me. I've just been trying to be a good friend to her." Gavi nodded, "I know you have, but sometimes it's better to take a chance and see what happens. You never know, she might feel the same way about you. And even if she doesn't, at least you'll know and you can move on. But you'll never know if you don't try." Pedri thought about it for a moment and then said, "I don't know maybe." he says. Gavi grinned, "let's go with the girls. Come on."

As the night came to an end, the four friends, Aurora, Pedri, Gavi, and Sofia, decided to head inside to get their things ready for the night. They had planned to sleep at Aurora and Pedri's parent's house. "Alright, let's go grab our stuff," said Aurora. They all headed inside and said goodnight to the rest of the family, who were still outside enjoying the party. They gathered their suitcases and said goodbye to Aurora and Pedri's Aunt Elena, uncle and little cousins. Pedri said, "Let's go put our suitcases in the back of dads car."

As the four friends finished loading their suitcases into the trunk of Pedri's car, they realized that there were only three seats in the back. Aurora was the last one to get in, so she had to sit on Pedri and Gavi's lap. "Alright, let's get going," said Pedri's dad, who was going to drive them to the house. "Everyone buckled in?" They all nodded and got into the car. Pedri's mom sat in the front seat, while Pedri, Gavi, and Sofia sat in the back. Aurora had to sit on Pedri and Gavi's lap. It was a tight squeeze, but they managed to make it work. "I'm sorry Aurora," said Gavi. "I didn't know there were only three seats in the back." Aurora laughed, "It's okay, ill just sit on Pedri and your lap."

As they walked into the house, Pedri and Aurora both commented on how much they missed it. The house brought back a lot of memories for both of them. "It's good to be back home," said Pedri. Aurora nodded, "I missed this place." The four friends then split up to head to their rooms. Aurora and Sofia headed to Aurora's room to sleep, while Pedri and Gavi headed to Pedri's room. "It's been a long day," said Gavi, as he and Pedri settled into the room. "I'm glad we're finally getting some rest." Pedri nodded, "Yeah, it's been a very long day."

As Aurora slowly opened her eyes, she noticed the sunlight streaming through the window. She sat up in bed and stretched, feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep. She looked around the room and realized she was the last one to wake up. She heard the sound of laughter and chatter coming from the living room and kitchen, indicating that the rest of her friends and family were already up and about. She smiled to herself.

As Aurora walked into the kitchen, she was greeted with a chorus of "Good morning sunshine!" from her friends and family. She smiled and greeted them back. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and cooking bacon filled the air. Aurora's mom was at the stove, flipping pancakes, and whistling a cheerful tune. "Good morning, Mom," Aurora said. "Good morning, sweetie! How did you sleep?" her mom asked. "I slept great, thanks," Aurora replied.

Pedri's dad turned to him and asked, "Son, what time does the plane leave this afternoon? I need to make sure we to drop you guy off on time."Pedri looked at Aurora and said, "Dad, Aurora got the tickets, she should know the details." Aurora quickly pulled outher phone from her pocket and said, "The plane leaves at 3 PM, we should head to the airport around 1 PM to check in and go through security." Pedri's dad nodded, "Okay, sounds good."
However, Aurora's mom looked at her dad with a mad face and said, "Why did you ask them that."

-A few hours later-

As they hugged their mother goodbye, she reminded them to call her when they arrived and to be safe. Pedri and Aurora hugged her tightly and promised to do so. They then headed to the car where their father was waiting for them. They all piled into the car and their father drove them to the airport. As they made their way to the airport, Pedri and Aurora's father couldn't help but feel a little emotional, knowing that his children were growing up and making a life for themselves. He made sure to tell them how proud he was of them and how much he loved them before they said goodbye and leaving them at the airport.

As they were checking in at the airport, the girl at the counter informed them that they were too late to pick their seats and that they would be randomly assigned. Aurora became frustrated and started yelling at the girl, but Pedri quickly intervened and calmly asked the lady where they would be seated. As they looked at the seating assignments, they saw that Sofia and Pedri were sitting together in the back of the plane, while Aurora and Gavi were seated together in the front of the plane. Aurora was still upset but Pedri tried to calm her down. "You want me to clamed down, I paid for the seats, you bitch." Said Aurora. "Thank you" said Pedri, while pulling Aurora.

-a few moments later-

They settled into their seats on the plane, Aurora couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable sitting next to Gavi. She didn't know why, but she just couldn't shake off the feeling. Gavi noticed her discomfort and asked, "Are you okay? You seem a little tense." Aurora tried to brush it off and said, "I'm fine, just a little tired from the party last night." Gavi nodded understandingly and they both sat in silence for a while. As they flew to their destination, they both couldn't help but wonder why they were feeling this way towards each other. They didn't know what it meant, but they couldn't shake off the feeling that something was changing between them. They didn't know what the future holds for them but they knew they had to figure out what it was.
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