Chapter 23

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The silence was deafening. Aurora's parents stood there, stunned. Gavi's parents looked at each other, unsure of what to say. Pedri was in shock, while Sofia stood there confused. Finally, Aurora's father broke the silence.

"What did you say?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Aurora took a deep breath and repeated, "I-Im pregnant."

Aurora's mother looked at her in disbelief. "How can this be possible?" she asked. "You're barely an adult! You have your whole life ahead of you!"

Gavi stepped forward, taking Aurora's hand in his. "are you serious," he said.

Aurora nodded, tears streaming down her face. "A week after we did it, I was supposed to take a plan B pill. But I never did and my pregnancy test is positive," she said. "I know it's not ideal, but we'll figure it out, right?" she said shaking anxiously.

Gavi's parents looked at each other, their expressions softening. "We'll support you both, no matter what," Gavi's mother said.

Aurora's mother spoke up "¿Qué te pasa? (What's wrong with you?) She is not having that baby. You're getting an abortion Aurora." She continued, while pulling her arm.

"What the fuck? That's not how it works here. I understand that you are her mother. But that does not give you the right to choose what to do with her baby. So don't say that bullshit." Said Gavi's sister yelling at Aurora's parents.

Gavi's sister's words hung heavy in the air, and there was a tense silence for a second, everyone processed what had just been said. Aurora's father spoke up. "How is this even possible, just how- Pedri you were supposed to take care of her, like a big brother you say you are. Like a fucking adult you are." He said pushing and yelling at him. He continued, "This would have never happened if you were responsible. Right?" Pedri stood there in silence. "Say something, you worthless piece of shi-."

Pedri's fist connected with his father's face, silencing him mid-sentence. Aurora's mother gasped in shock, while her father held his bleeding nose in pain. Gavi's family were taken aback by the sudden outburst, and Sofia stood frozen in fear.

Gavi stepped forward, trying to calm the situation. "pedri let's all take a deep breath," he said, his voice trembling. "We're all upset right now, but we need to figure out a way to deal with this."

Pedri ignored his words. his voice was trembling with rage as he yelled, "Don't you ever talk to me like that! You say I'm not responsible, but yet you two left her, ignored her, hit her, and never cared for her like a mother and father should." His parents looked at him in shock as he continued, "Oh, but she has a future ahead of herself, you say, you didn't even want to pay for her education. She had to get a job. And yet you still want her to stay with you guys. In fact, Tia Elena is a better fucking mother to us than you are."he said pointing to his mother.

His mother's hand connected with his cheek in a loud slap, causing Pedri to stagger back. "Don't you dare talk to us like that," she said, her voice shaking with anger. "We did the best we could for you and your sister."

The room was in chaos as everyone started shouting at once. Aurora stood there, tears streaming down her face, feeling lost and alone. Gavi put his arm around her, trying to comfort her.

"Stop it, all of you!" Gavi yelled, trying to be heard over the noise. "This isn't helping anyone."

In another hand Pedri stepped back from his parents, his fists clenched at his sides. He took a deep breath and looked around the room, noticing how tense the atmosphere had become. He knew he needed to do something to diffuse the situation before things escalated further.

Pedri caught Sofia's eye and gestured for her to follow him. He walked quickly out of the room and down the hall, with Sofia following close behind. Once they were out of earshot, Pedri leaned in close and whispered urgently to her, "Call the police and say we have people trespassing."

Sofia nodded, her eyes wide with concern. "Okay, I'll call them right now," she whispered back, pulling out her phone and quickly dialing the emergency number. As she spoke to the operator, Pedri paced back and forth, his mind racing with thoughts.

There was a moment of silence as everyone took a breath and tried to calm down. Finally, Gavi's father spoke up. "We should all sit down and talk about this like adults," he said.

Aurora's mother wiped away her tears "No, Aurora is coming with us." she continued.

Gavi's mother shook her head. "We're not going to force her to do anything she doesn't want to do," she said firmly. "Aurora and Pablo are adults, and they have the right to make their own decisions." Aurora looked up at Gavi's mother with gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you," she whispered.

After some time, the sound of police sirens filled the air. Everyone froze, staring at each other in confusion. Pedri appeared in the doorway, looking relieved. "They're here," he said.

Pedri rushed over to them and explained the situation, telling them that his parents were trespassing. The officers listened carefully and then asked to speak to Pedri's parents.

Pedri's parents refused to leave and began arguing with the officers, insisting that Aurora needed to come with them. But the police were firm, telling them that Aurora was an adult and it was her choice to stay or leave. They warned Pedri's parents to leave the property and stop causing a disturbance, but they continued to resist.

As the argument continued, more and more police officers arrived on the scene. The situation was quickly spiraling out of control, with neighbors gathering to watch and paparazzi beginning to snap photos.

At one point, Pedri's father attempted to push past the officers and grab Aurora, but he was quickly subdued and handcuffed. His mother continued to scream and shout, demanding that Aurora be handed over to her. But the police remained firm, and eventually, they were forced to put Pedri's parents in the back of a police car.

The paparazzi were now in full force, snapping photos of everything that was happening. Pedri and his family were horrified to see the images of themselves on the internet, with headlines blaring about a "family feud" and "celebrity drama."

It took hours for the situation to be resolved, with more police officers arriving to force Pedri's parents to leave the property. Finally, the house was quiet once again, but the damage had already been done. They all felt violated and exposed, and they knew that the paparazzi would continue to hound them for days to come.


What do y'all think?

Pedri went all out like damn.

Too much?? IDK


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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