Episode 2

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Java: last time on Funkin battle, the contestants had to climb or go through a pyramid, escape scarabs, and cross a river with boats that were weaved in Egypt, during the challenge, Tord unfortunately quitted the game and after the challenge, Team Victory lost and not only Tord had to take the drop off, but Alien Cat also took the drop off, who will lose the next challenge, who will fall, find out tonight on.....FUNKIN.....BATTLE!!!

Girlfriend: man, the first class meals here are super good.

Bob: you can say that again girlfriend, I haven't eaten this good of a food in a long time, mainly cause my ass doesn't know how to cook.

Blu: that's cause you always say you're bored when people try to teach you bob, trust me, I tried to teach you it and you said you were bored about me telling you it.

Bob: hey, excuse me for not usually having free time!

Blu: whatever.

Ausi: hey guys.

Sky: hi ausi!

Ausi: Java would like to talk to you guys in the elimination room, the other teams are waiting for you.

Sky: alright then.

(*after team Amazon got to the elimination room*)

Java: morning contestants.

MC: good morning java.

Java: ok, so right now, we're flying but to explain our location, our challenge location is Japan!

Sky: ohhhh, I heard about Japan, it's filled with so many bright lights and so many advertisements!

Java: yeah, so, I hope you're ready, cause you all are gonna jump off.

Boyfriend: Beeeep be bappity' beepaa  beeeep boop  skebap skdoo boop  bepoobee beep bepo beep?

Java: well, no, you all will use a parachute.

Boyfriend: Be beepbop  beepaa beepbop beep bappity bip  bapboop be skebap.

Java: now, grab a parachute, and jump off.

(*everyone grabs a parachute and jumps off*)

Sky: ok, time to open it guys!

(*everyone opens their parachute with it failing*)

Sky: uh oh, this isn't good.

(*everyone screams*)

(*bell ding*)



(*everyone lands in a giant rice bowl*)

Girlfriend: yum, rice!

Boyfriend: Bapboop be be skebap  beepaa beepbop skdoo bappity bapboop  beepaa beepbop skdoo skbep  bapboop skdoo beep bappity beepaa  bap skdoo bep boop  bop be beeeep beepo  skbep beep bepo boop skebap  bopo skbep  skdabeep bap be brep  beep  skdabeep beep beepo beepo  bapboop bopo baaaap skbep.

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