Episode 21

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Java: last time on Funkin battle, the contestants had to make themselves ready for China, most people ended up finishing both a race on the Great Wall and the food, unfortunately, due to cheating with another co host, liquid Chris had to be eliminated, but he didn't go alone, because Sayori also went with him, who will win the next challenge, who will fall, find out tonight on.....FUNKIN.....BATTLE!!!

Carol: girlfriend, you don't believe liquid Chris do you?

Girlfriend: of course I don't, you are my closest friend, but Whitty, that's a possibility.

Carol: oh, alright then.

(*carol goes back to whitty*)

Whitty: so?

Carol: she trusts that I don't have suspicions on her but she possibly doesn't trust you.

Whitty: shit, alright, I got a backup plan.

Carol: what is it?

Whitty: we keep her until final three.

Carol: alright then.


(*after they all landed and they all got out*)

Java: welcome to the Serengeti, the challenges are pretty simple, for starters, you will be getting plums from a bucket while your fellow competitors hit you with soccer balls, and they won't be using their feet to hit it.

Cuphead: but then how are we supposed to hit the soccer ball?

Java: you will be using a cricket mallet to hit them.

Cuphead: oh, ok then.

Java: after that, it will then be a chase around the Serengeti to catch a mouse.

Skeebo: pft, that's seems so easy, that I can do it with my eyes closed.

Java: well, it isn't any mouse.

Girlfriend: then who is it?

Java: well, I'm sure you're all aware of alien cat still being on the plane.

Tord: yes, why are you bringing this up?

Java: because in this challenge, you will be catching his second form, alien mouse!

Java: because in this challenge, you will be catching his second form, alien mouse!

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Whitty: does this person always take impersonations of Tom and Jerry characters.

Java: probably, anyways, it's time to begin, Cuphead, you're up first.

(*after the turns and challenge*)

Java: congratulations to girlfriend for smashing her gourd first.

Girlfriend: yes!

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