I save a corner store at 7 in the morning

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I wake up, turn towards my bed table and look at my clock it’s 6:30 AM and school starts at 8:30 AM. I get out of bed, grab my backpack and shovel a t- shirt and sweatpants plus my favorite black and white jacket in the bag. Then I get on my stomach on the floor to take my spidey suit out from under the bed.
The wooden floor is cold and hard. Most of my room is cold actually, I don't have anything in it to heat it up with. The room is small, has white walls and a wooden floor. I have many Queen posters and drawings I have made. I love them, the posters, not my drawings, them I just like.

There is a desk that's littered full with tech stuff for my suit, and art stuff. It’s placed on the right side of the door and a bed straight forward,that's all my room has to give.
I  find the suit and take  it out.
It is kind of torn but it's still usable and I am already working on a new one.
I put it on and grab  my backpack. But before I swing out of the window I take a post it note out of my drawer and write a note to aunt May
*going out for a walk see u after school, love robin* 
I feel bad for lying to her but it's for her own safety. After  that I take my backpack and swing away. I like to swing around the city and look at all the people of New York,  they look like ants from here.
I swing for barely 5 minutes before I see and get an alarm of a robbery happening. Not a big one, Thank  God for that, it's a corner shop. And it's close to me.

I land on the pavement and walk towards the door, I open it and step inside silently, not wanting to draw attention to myself this early. I climb onto the wall and wall crawl so that I'm behind the robber. I kick him fiercely in the nuts as well as jumping off the wall. He grunts in pain and I’m sure that I hear a high pitched whine coming out of his mouth. He falls to the floor clutching his middle part and dropping the gun. I kick it away and I web the guys feet to the floor so he won't be able to get up anytime soon. I make sure to also web his gun to the floor.

When I'm done I mutter to the guy to man up a little before I turn to the cashier and see him peeking up from behind the counter

"Are you okay sir?" I asked

"Yeah" the white haired man says a little breathless

"Okay good. uuhhm. Have a good day and call the police'' I say awkwardly

I walk out of the store, it feels weird fighting crime with a backpack on. This is the first day of school after summer break so I haven’t had a backpack on for a whole 9 weeks. Just as I swing away I hear the man scream.

"Thanks spider-woman!!"

"No problem, sir!!" I shout back while I swing away,

I swing myself up on a building. And take my phone out of my backpack to check the clock. It's 6:42  oh damn what a short crime scene. I can go get breakfast and then look for more crime until 8:00, perfect plan. 
I swing into a dark wet alleyway with brick walls, there I switch from my suit to my t-shirt, sweatpants and my black and white jacket, I walk to  the nearest Cafe. Which is a small one, it has a dark green sign with light green text that says moreal's coffee It has cement walls,a stone floor and small round tables with chairs littered both outside and inside
with a desk near the door where you pay and stuff. I go up to the desk and order an apple juice and a mozzarella and chicken sandwich.
I sit down at a table where no one is sitting. I take out my phone and see that May has texted me.

*how is the run robin*

* it was good, thanks for asking 😁  I'm eating breakfast at moreal's coffee, I'll go directly to school so see u at feast later?*

*yea! see you there, love you ❤️❤️*

I have thought about telling May, she is worried about all the wounds I get, if I get grazed by a bullet or a knife I just say I'm staying over at a friend's(she doesn't know about the no friends thing)when I'm actually at feast or another wandering home to heal my wounds,they heal faster because of my powers but It still hurts.maybe I should tell her at home after feast?

But my train of thought is interrupted by a very gorgeous girl with a strong jawline, beautiful long blonde hair, and warm black eyes. And her skin is pale but beautiful and she has a small scar over the nose. She is the most beautiful person I have ever seen, even her posture is perfect. she knocks on my table to get me out of my daydream and asks.

"Hi, can I sit here?”

"y-yeah sure why not" I stutter

Why can’t you just talk normally Robin!?

She just laughs a little and sits down

"Who were you texting?" she asks

"Eh.." I look down at my phone "it's my aunt"
I quickly reply with a *i love you too❤️* and close my phone.

Thank you for reading!

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