Another douche with a metal arm!?

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The week up until the Friday me and Rosalie are going to hang out goes by quickly. I'm almost entirely free from Spider-woman business, except for crimes I saw with my own eyes. I wonder what people thought when their hero saved people with a trash bag over her head. Today is the first entirely free day.

It's finally the next friday, and I'm excited. I'm super excited, me and Rosalie are actually kind of friends now, and I had forgotten how nice it felt.

I get out of bed at 6:10 AM. I slept for two hours, which is not great. My minimum is usually four hours, but at least I dont have spider duties until my new suit is done. Today is the first time in a long time I'm not swinging to school, of course I won't go to school this early, I'm  gonna wrap my newly stitched injuries and then I’ll draw something. I switched out the lower part of my suit for sweatpants, and I put on a new sports bra.

When I'm done changing, I walk to the bathroom and take the first aid kit out from the cabinets. I don't want to wake May, so this time, I'm holding the red box with my good side. I grab a bandage roll and start wrapping  the wound. It hurts at first, but I fight through it, and I have to protect the stitches. I don't wrap too tight, I want to be able to move. It takes a good 2 minutes to wrap my upper and lower torso, leaving only the middle of my stomach visible. I sprint back to my bedroom to wake myself a little, I put on a tank top and a black hoodie on top.

I pick my phone up from my bedside table to uninstall my waking alarm, when I'm done fixing the alarm I find some earphones and start listening to “this is Queen” on spotify, humming along quietly while drawing a design for a new mask. I have an idea of how my new mask will look. This time, it will be a matte black instead of shiny and no gold at all. The body of the suit is already done, it has more gold than my last design and the black is changed to matte black just like the mask.

I make a messy sketch of the design before I start drawing a picture of Uncle Ben, I want something to look at, I draw him from memory. I don't know how close I am to his real appearance. I don't make it realistic. That's too hard to do from memory for me, but it isn't a stick figure, so it looks fine. I don't realize how much time has passed before May knocks on the door and says that breakfast is ready.

I shove my art supplies into one of the drawers and go to the kitchen/ living room to see scrambled eggs ready on the table. I sit down and inhale the eggs, I'm so hungry. Having three gun wounds does that to you, i guess. May comes up beside me and pours me a cup of orange juice. I gulp down the juice in like 5  sips.

“Slow down, Robin, you're going to choke” May huffed between a small laugh

“I'm hungry” I respond around a mouth full of food.

“I guess that's an effect of being a hero”

“It definitely is.”

“I think it's good you're taking a break. Especially after you got shot a week ago” may says

“I have fought after getting shot before" I see the look on her face when I say this and quickly change the topic "Anyways, I’m going to Rosalies, the girl who came to feast,  after school since you are having a date with Vince”

I use May's nickname for Hop around her. It's easier.

“That's fine. Just come home before 10” she answers

We don't say anything more for the moment to focus on the meal. I excuse myself, go to my room, check the clock. It’s 7 a.m., and I have to start walking to school. I grab my backpack, put school stuff, an extra  pen  and my sketchbook into it, and swing it over my shoulder. I put on a jacket and shoes, say my goodbyes to May, and start walking, listening to music in my headphones.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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