I have to tear my mask in half

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Ten minutes later, the younger girl is fast asleep in my lap. My arms are still wrapped around her back, I rest my head on hers and close my eyes. Hopper was right, I'm absolutely exhausted, I'm just going to sleep a little. After I've slept for what felt like 3 hours, I wake up because the doorbell rings. I feel Max stir a little in her sleep at the sound, but she doesn't wake up.

"Hopper, can you open the door, I don't want to wake her," I whisper sleepily.

"Sure, kid," he whispers back.

He rises from his seat and walks to the door. I close my eyes and try to go back to sleep.  But Hopper addresses me not one second after I close them.

"Hhm, what?" I say drowsily, not looking up

"We have to help the new neighbours with the last few boxesb" he says

"Okay, let me just wake up the little one," I say, nudging Max a little

"Hey, Maxie, time to wake up," I whisper softly

"Nooo," she mumbled into my neck, gripping me tighter.

"Yeees," I sing-song

"Mmhh," the seven year old mumbled

"Fine, I can carry you, but only for a little bit," I give in

She doesn't say anything, just grips onto me. I stand up, holding Max securely at my side with one arm, grabbing my phone with the other, and dropping it in my pocket. We walk up to the front door, there in the doorway stands a short woman with short blonde hair, dark brown eyes, and a nice smile.

"Hi, I'm Robin," I say, reaching out the hand that isn't holding a child for her to shake. She takes it fiercely and says.

"I'm Peggy Gardner. Nice to meet you,"

"The pleasures all mine," I say with a polite smile.

"Well, let's go help," Hopper says

We walk out of the door towards the house next to Hopper's green one. This house is blue with some grey streaks. It looks nice. We walk around the white fence that separates the backyards from each other,  and walk up to the front door.(the stairs are kind of hard with a kid in my arms) Peggy opens the door, the inside looks nice, there's a black sofa in the middle and a TV in front of it, there is also also a dinner table behind the sofa.

"You have a nice home, Mrs Gardner," I say politely

"Why, thank you dear," the woman replies

Hopper stays quiet. I tightened my hold on Max a little cause she was slipping from my grip. She mumbles a little in her sleep but doesn't wake up. Mrs Gardner screams up the stairs that are in the corner.


That startles Max so much that she jumps out of my grip. With the help of my spider sense, I catch her before she hits the floor. She grips onto me, scared to death after her fall.

"Whoa, it's alright, Maxie," I say calmly into her hair,cradling her head with one hand and holding her up with the other.

After the little incident, I hear stairs creaking and look up. It's fucking Rosalie, how can she be everywhere?. I don't understand, I look at her mesmerized. She has an oversized Hoodie with gray  pants and her hair in a messy bun. She looks gorgeous.

"Robin" Rosalie breathlessly acknowledges me

"Rosalie" I acknowledge her back,nodding a little

"Is that your sister?" she asks a small smile playing on her face

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