I ditch my friends to go fight crime

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I land in an alleyway near the school to change back into my normal clothes, I shoot a web at the wound on my ribcage but I don't know what to do about my neck.
After that I walk up to the school, it's almost 8 meters tall and about double in width, all the walls both inside and outside are bricked, the floor is cement though.
I walk inside and immediately sense people whispering about me and looking at me, probably because of my neck.
I open my locker and take the first aid kit out, put my backpack in, close the door and speed walk towards the toilets.
I lock myself in one of the (actually pretty spacious) stalls and take off my shirt leaving me in my sports bra.

I take out a bandage and just start wrapping around my chest , it bled through the first layer pretty quickly but soon slowed down. I wrap it as hard as I can so the bleeding stops.
I put my shirt back on and leave the stall but I walk straight into someone, it's a boy, he has green eyes,  short brown hair, glasses, a thin face, is kind of pale, has a medium size nose and bushy eyebrows it's Peter Parker, we're kind of friends but not really.

"Hi Rob ho-" he notices my neck "What happened ?  Who did this?" he asks worriedly, lifting my jaw softly to see better.

"I'm fine Pete, I promise" I try to reassure him, he doesn't look convinced but let's go off my jaw.

"Fine, want to sit with me and Gwen at lunch today?" He asks

"Yeah sure" I say "See you then"

"See you" Peter says as I walk away

When I come out the clock is 8:25 so I go to my locker and get my math books and go to class. I seat myself at the back of the class, I sit there so No one sits beside me. But today that plan didn't work because Rosalie walks into the classroom and spots me. Wait, wasn't she fifteen, maybe she got held back one year or something. She walks up To me smiling.

"Hey"she says with a look in her eyes, I can't pick up what it is.

"Hi” I say awfully high pitched so I clear my throat and try again “Hi"

She looks down at my neck

"Oh God, what happened to your neck?" She asks worry evident in her voice

"Nothing, I'm fine, Rosalie" she looks at me with a questioning look "I promise"

"I don't believe you" she says seriously

Why does no one believe me?

"Alright" I mutter under my breath.

Just then the teacher comes in, thank god, that saved me from a very awkward conversation

“Sit down and be quiet" he waits until it's silent, and says "Now let's start the lesson"

I cant listen to him, I'm busy because  my bench buddy starts a conversation over notes
*what happened to you*
Why does she care?
*I already told you it was nothing

*and I still don't believe u*
Wow this girl is really something else. I have to come up with something.
*alright fine I get bullied there you happy*
I mean…..it's not a lie I do get kinda bullied but that didn't cause my bruise.
*what's their name?*
This girl wants a name, to a person who can make a bruise this bad… She's crazy. I like it.
*That is nobody's business*

*you don't even tell your friends?*

*I don't have close friends*

*your parents then?*

*died when I was young my aunt takes care of me*

*okay, tell her then*

*no**You are incredibly difficult. How about you sit with me at lunch and talk about it?*

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