Golden hour 🔥🍜(r)

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Request by: sincerelyk4zu on tiktok (It wasn't a request completely towards me but eh)
Red son and Mk had been getting along more and they had started to hang out as well, mostly during the night time, they were both night owls and insomniacs (dw same lmao) and the rest will be shown through the chapter.
Red son was lying in bed, trying to sleep, but he couldn't, he simply couldn't. Not with as fast paced of a mind as his own. He was tired of it, so he decided to do something about it. So, he stood up, and decided to go to Mk's house. He felt his body go warmer as he was engulfed in flames. The flames died down as quick as they went up.

Mk understood what that sound meant, and he shouted "Hi Red son! You can come in!" Red son had been standing in the hallway next to his room, just so that he didn't accidentally teleport into his room while he was changing or something like that. He walked in, and noticed he was on his computer. He looked at the screen, he was on Google Snake.

"Coolmath's snake game is better."

"Yeah, in your opinion! In my opinion, the better one, google snake is wayyyyy better!" As he said this, he ran into a wall. He closed his computer, and asked, "So whatcha come here for?"

"I'm tired, and knew I wouldn't end up sleeping for the rest of the night with how cluttered my brain was. I had a feeling you'd be awake, so, I just thought I'd spend the night with you." Mk chuckled at what she said, Red not realizing how it sounded at first. "My god, you have the sense of humor of a sixth grader," Red son commented, unimpressed.

"I know I do, Mei tells me all the time, despite the fact that we have the same humor sense."

"You know you can't sleep while playing a video game," Red son pointed out.

"Eh, who cares."

"I do! Playing google snake at 3:23 in the morning can't be healthy! Coolmath snake, on the other hand," Red joked.

Mk laughed so hard at this, "NO- NO, FOFIDISKSJR NO YOURE WRONG!"

After he was done having a laughing fit, they were sitting in a comfortable and calming silence, until suddenly Mk looked over to Red son and suggested, "Wanna go on the rooftop? It feels nice up there right now, and it'd feel better with you there." As he said this, they gave Red a sincere smile.

"Sure, yeah, that'd be nice," Red responded somewhat quietly.

First Mk turned into their monkey form, it was always easier to climb like that, which left Red son in awe. "I didn't know you could do that?"

"Yeah! Anyways, hold onto my leg, I'll pull you up."


"C'mon, man, just do it."

"Erm- okay?" Red son replied confusedly as he grabbed Mk's leg with both hands.

"More secure." Red grabbed onto his leg like a child trying to get someone to not leave, Red was scared they might fall.

Mk looked at Red son lightheartedly disappointed.

"What? I don't know how strong you are in your monkey form, what if you drop me?"

"Eh, fair," Mk replied, pulling the both of them up on the roof, Mk staying in his monkey form as Red got situated on the side of the roof, Mk soon joining him.

"Oh wait, I forgot my sketchbook, brb!" Mk exclaimed, climbing back through his window, soon coming back with a pencil and a red book with rubber bands on it.

"Why do you verbally pronounce 'brb?'" Red questioned aloud.

"I don't really care to pronounce it. At least I don't say L-O-L like tang used to do."

"Really? Oh my gosh that's disgusting!" Red son replied, overdramatizing it.

"I know right!"

They sat in silence again, this time it was a little more tense than before, as if they were waiting for the other to say something.

Eventually, Red spoke, "When did you get your Monkie form?"

"It was one of the first of the 72 transformations that Monkie king had taught me, he was excited to have me look like him. But I guess that didn't really work out, huh?"

"Pfft, not at all. You look more like Macaque than Sun Wukong by far!"

Mk giggled, then agreeing, "That's what everyone says!"

'Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshthatwasso ajkojhoiinxkdajhouaefhjoxoasjnasnfwnjijkadcnca wow oh my, don't have a gay panic red son please don't you dare it was just a laugh' and other stuff of the sort went across Red son's mind.

"Pfft. It's true though!" was all Red son had the courage to say.

"Yeah, I remember Monkie King treating it like Mei treats Pokémon evolutions when she doesn't know what the next evolution is beforehand, which is rare. He was so upset that I didn't look like him," Mk explained.

The longer Mk talked, the less Red son was listening to him. It sounds rude, but rather than actually listening to what he was saying, he was just hearing his voice, his amazingly sounding voice, she had their whole attention on Mk. He watched every movement in their face as he talked, they also noticed how Mk mouths words a lot more clearly than the average person. They noticed how bouncy their hair was, and also, he hadn't ever noticed it before but Mk had light freckles dashed across his face.

"Red sooon? Red? Earth to Red son!" Mk asked, waving a hand in front of their face.

"Huh? Oh, okay, I'm sorry, I sort of zoned out there."

"Oh alright, that's fine! So would you like to help me with the orders tomorrow? I don't necessarily need the help I just like your company," Mk explained.

"Yeah, that'd be great! Thanks for inviting me," Red responded with.

"I don't know if Pigsy would allow it so I'll have to ask him, but he doesn't hate you anymore so he'll probably allow it."


Now that the sun was starting to rise, she could see Mk smile. A sincere, genuine, happy smile. And that's when he realized.

They loved the Noodle Boy.

"It's starting to get pretty early, we should probably try to take a nap or something," Mk suggests, standing up to go inside. Before he could walk off, Red son pulled on his pant leg for him to come back. Then, he gently grabbed him by the shoulders, as they got on their knees as he pulled Mk down closer to his level. And he kissed them, simple as that.

Mk was, surprised, to say the least. But he liked it nonetheless. As soon as Red had pulled away, Mk moved forward, just to kiss him again. This time it lasted much longer, but not that long.

"Wh-" Red some asked, barely.

"Why are you saying what, I should be the one saying what," Mk joked, humor easily shown in his voice.

"Well- because!"

"Wow great response, applaud for the most reasonable answer ever," Mk sarcastically awarded. "So?"

"So what?"

"So what does this make us?"

"That is entirely up to you to decide," Red told him.

"Wanna be partners? Like, romantically?"

"Hell yeah, but I still agree that we should probably have a nap."

"Yeah, probably," Mk agreed, leading him back to his room.

Once they got in there, to be honest they just cuddled to sleep.
Beep! beep! beep!

"Argh," Mk grunted, turning off the alarm, going back to sleep.

-20 minutes later-

"Mk! Why are you so late!?" Pigsy exclaimed angrily as he slammed open the door.

Both Red and Mk immediately woke up and made eye contact, then looked at Pigsy.

Mk chuckled guiltily, "Whoops?"

I don't think Pigsy let red son deliver with Mk lmao

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