
11 4 1

I pick up the slimy orb with no hesitation, even as it makes my hand sticky. I've cleaned it recently, right? It seems greasier than usual.

I think, and I see the time. Neon light pink blared in my mind. I picked the color because warm colors are supposed to be calming—better so than the default red or cool colors.

It hasn't been helping.

I stuff the Eeai into my pocket, grab my suitcase, and shut the door.

Think, maybe I should lock it today.


Too much work. I open my car door with a huff and plop down in the faux leather seat.
My breaths are speedy, and my muscles are sparking with pain.

Think; order more painkillers.

My car drives to work, and I close the door and almost trip under the force needed to close it all the way. I straighten myself and briskly head over to the mortuary.

I deal with the dead because long ago, I got tired of living.

The door welcomes me in with a flourish of the AC whisking me away into my sterile and reflective room.

The larger Eeai studies me from the corner—making sure we're safe.

It deters intruders; though, I don't know what we have to steal.

Maybe their bodies?


Long day at work, isn't it?
I load the tools back onto the tray.
I glance up at the Eeai and nod at it on my way out—retrieving the small version out of my pocket.
I have the latest Vision—it has a grey pupil, and a contact to protect the moisture.

I think; 20/20 percent is charged. Great!

Now I can use it all night.

I think over to other various extensions in my mind; find Conct.

When I daydream about it too long, it unfolds into a kaleidoscope of memories—other's memories that come pre-loaded.

Suited to your tastes.

They know all of them, anyway.


Think; time.

12:34 am.

Oops—stayed up too late again.

The Eeai is so addictive, isn't it?

I put it back in its case.

Close my eyes.

Go back in time.


My eyes droop open.

Stayed up too late.

Check on my Eeai,

It was watching me all night.

Chills claw up my spine,

It's not just me, right?

I left my Eeai at home,

Told it that I'd be back soon

I went out to town,

everyone was thinking alone.

Their Eeais in their palms,

Their eyes closed.

Some were still.

Some were ghosts.

I looked in every corner,

And saw friendly Eeai watching.

When does protection,



Become suffocating?


I've been thinking;

Aren't there always articles, books, newspapers, and old people that claim that any new technology is evil?

I don't remember seeing anything negative about Eeais ever before.

...so addictive, aren't they?

No one cares to take it seriously anymore.

They're everywhere, you'll

Never be alone

Never get bored.

I went to work today with a fresh sticky hand, and when I opened my first customer's lids open,

I realized;

Only those born before Eeais have both of their eyes.

It's the fashion today, don't worry.

Stumbled over to the mirror in a haze.

Looked through the concealing fog:

One eye was wide open,
And grey.

The Definition of Dysania (A Collection of Short Trepidations)Where stories live. Discover now