Ch 1: The Unknown World

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Maybe she should have taken the fuzz ball's offer. Yea, they were all sappy dorks, but at least she wouldn't be dying on the edge of the galaxy.

Lord Dominator had spent the last two-ish days in her little bubble wandering around, groveling to herself. At least she thought it was two days. The green woman had lost any semblance of time a while ago, not long after she ate what little food she had. Now all Dominator could do was lay there, watching the dead planets drift by. Her species couldn't survive more than three days without some sort of hydration. It wouldn't be long till the weakness finally got to her and she succumbed to the cold grip of death. The villain let out a small chuckle at the irony. She was lost and left to shrivel, just like all the worlds she destroyed.

After dominating so many planets and sucking them dry, it was only a matter of time before someone that posed an actual challenge stood up to her and took her out. While she would have never guessed that person would have been a total loser like Hater, she knew it was inevitable. And she was okay with that. It was only natural that a super villain such as herself would go out in an epic battle, a blaze of glory.

BUT NO! That annoying orange twerp just had to save her! He was so insistent on being "a good person" and "becoming her friend" that he saved her from her exploding ship. And now she wasn't going to get her blaze of glory. She was going to die a slow death, alone and pathetic.

Small tears started to flow down Dominator's face, washing away soot and old makeup. It wasn't fair, having to die like this. She had taken out the galaxy. She was the ultimate villain! She deserved a better death! Dominator wanted to scream, but all that came out was a soft whimper. Angry and confused, the woman continued to cry until she eventually drifted off to sleep.


Dominator didn't know how long she was unconscious, as she had not expected to wake up again. However, the blinding light wouldn't allow her to remain asleep, and the green woman slowly came to. She started with a check of her limbs to make sure she wasn't dead. For all she knew, those stories about a light at the end of a tunnel were true. But the dryness on her tongue and the ache in her tired joints told her she was still very much alive. She was also in the bubble, if the stale air was any indication.

Rubbing the drowsiness from her eyes, Dominator struggled to stand upright and take in her surroundings. The bright light turned out to be a star. It was an unremarkable, medium in size, yellow orb. Glancing around, she saw a couple planets nearby, but they looked just as lame as the star. But for whatever reason, Dominator couldn't stop staring at one of these planets. It was a little blue marble in the distance with some brown smudges. The side facing away from the star was a bit more impressive as the dark was illuminated by tiny glowing dots.

Dominator continued to stare at the lousy, little ball for a few more moments as her brain struggled to form a coherent thought. It was just another world like the millions she had dominated. What made this place so special?

Lord Dominator took in a sharp breath as she finally realized what she was looking at.

"What the grop?! Where did this place come from?" Dominator said. She was starting to question her sanity, as she couldn't remember ever seeing this system pop up in her scans. Was she hallucinating, or was she actually dead? A million questions ran through her head, but were all cut off by the loud growling in her stomach.

"This planet better have something edible."

With a great deal of effort, Dominator used the little energy she had left to redirect her bubble to the tiny, blue marble in a last ditch effort to survive.


By some miracle, Dominator was able to dodge landing in the middle of the ocean. Instead, she found herself just to the east of a coastal city.

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