Chapter 3 - Stung

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"Are you sure?" Minho asks

"What you should be asking is, are you crazy?" Lucas says

"Maybe. Maybe not. All I know is that I want to go home. Wherever that is" Blayk says

"No, she's not going. I'll go" Alby says

"Alby I'm the only runner that's willing to go! Let me go!"

"I said no and that's final."



"Mother fucking asshole" Blayk mumbles.

Blayk walks away and Alby suits up to run.

"But why would Alby go into the maze? I mean, he's not a runner."

"Things are different now. Alby went to retrace Ben's footsteps before sundown. Are you gonna help?"

"So he's gonna go back to where Ben was just stung..."

"Alby knows what he's doing... all right? He knows better than any of us."

Suddenly Blayk shows up Pissed off beyond belief.

"No! He went to be a runner because he wants to be something he's not - a runner. I volunteered to go out and he yelled at me and said no. So don't tell me that BS Newt."

"Are you serious?"

"Ask the other runners. They were there." Blayk says sitting beside Thomas.

"Look, it's like you have heard, yeah? Every month, the Box sends up a new arrival. But someone had to be first, right? Someone had to have spent a whole month in the Glade, alone. That was Alby. I mean, it can't have been easy. But when those other boys started coming up, one after the other... he saw the truth. And he learned that the most important thing... is that we all have each other. Because we're all in this together."

Thomas gets up and starts to help. He doesn't know what it is about Blayk but every time she's around he wants to prove himself.

"Yeah. There you go, Greenie."

A couple of hours later Blayk looks off into the distance.

"They should be back by now." She says

Everyone gets up and heads to the doors of the maze. All the runners are up at the front hoping to see Minho.

"What happens if they don't make it?" Thomas asks

"They're gonna make it," Newt says

"What happens if they don't?" Thomas asks

"They're gonna make it," Blayk says hopefully

"Come on, guys, can't we send someone after them?" Thomas asks

"That's against the rules. Either they make it back or they don't." Gally says

"We can't risk losing anyone else. Oh, no. There! Wait, something's wrong. Come on, Minho, you can do it!" Thomas says

"I'm going in," Blayk says

"Blayk no!" Lucas says

"Don't be stupid!" Isaac says

Blayk goes in and helps Minho get Ably out of the maze.

"Come on! Go!"

"Come on, you can make it!"

"Guys you gotta leave him!"

"They're not gonna make it," Thomas says

"You gotta leave him!"

Maze Runner GirlWhere stories live. Discover now