Chapter 21 - Jobs

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~6 months later~

Janson is in the control room trying to find where the hell Thomas is. He promised Blayk that he wouldn't harm them - and he won't - but he still needs to find them. Suddenly Blayk storms in. She walks up to him and slaps him across the face.

 She walks up to him and slaps him across the face

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"You promised!" She yells holding back tears

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"You promised!" She yells holding back tears

"Honey, I'm just doing my job"

"No! You promised me that you wouldn't hurt my friends! You fucking cunt!" She says

"Honey, I'm sorry. Really I am. But we need this cure!" He says

"I hate you. I never should've given you that chance!"

She turns on her heel and walks out.

"Where are you going?"

"For a walk! I need time to clear my head!"

"Then take some guards with you! You two! Go with her!"

She walks out and the two soldiers from her dad follow her. Tears come pouring out, she hopes with every fiber of her soul that her friends are safe and that Minho is okay. She keeps walking and bumps into Brady.

"Hey Blayk."

"I don't want to talk to you. You betrayed them. They trusted you and Teresa and you both betrayed them."

"I know that you're still mad but you need to understand why we did it. Please. We want to help people and this is the only way"

"No. This is the only way you want. It's the only one you want to do and make work so you do it. You kill people hoping it'll work and it does, but you become a murderer in the process. I have to go now. I have things to do..."

"Right. I'll see you later?"

"Hopefully not"

She walks outside with the guards following. She walks around trying to lose them but they stick around. She turns to face them.

"Listen, I know my dad sent you to come with me, but I really want to be alone right now. So if you could...please?" She asks them

"FIne. just please be careful, your dad will kill us if anything happens to you." One of them say

"Thank you" She says smiling.

She watches as they walk back to the building and she leaves the clean city that she promised she wouldn't leave. She needs to see what they go through, it's not fair that they won't help them. She goes to the gate and they let her pass. It's one of the perks of being the daughter of Ava and Janson. (I know they weren't a thing but in this they got drunk and had a night...) You can go wherever you want and no one will question it because your parents are their bosses. She gets past the gate and a soldier calls out telling her to be careful and to remember the curfew. She nods showing that she heard him. She walks around for a while seeing how people live. It breaks her heart. Someone starts to follow her but she doesn't notice at first. Distracted by all the pain that she sees around her. She turns a corner and notices the person following her out of the corner of her eye. He has a mask on so she has no idea who he is but she speeds up trying to lose him. She starts to run until she bumps into some people. The guy behind her raises his hand and they grab her. She screams and they cover her mouth. They take her to what she assumes is their base. They let her go but block all the exits of the room she's in. the man who was following her comes to her and she backs away.

"Stay back! If you hurt me I can ruin your life! You son of a bitch!"

"Calm down girlie we know each other." he says

"Who are you? How the hell do I know you?"

"I'd assume you'd never forget the glade and your friends that were in it." He says removing his mask

She sees someone that she knows. Someone she thought was dead, someone she saw die...Gally.

"Gally?! But you died!"

"No you left me for dead. I wasn't dead."

"I'm so sorry..."

"All good. Nice hair. It suits you." He says smiling

"Oh thanks. I got tired of the blond and did this without thinking. The hair dye and the cut...I hoped it looked good."

"How long ago did you do this?"

"About 5 months ago. I've been here a lot longer though."

"Well we have a lot to catch up on then."

He takes her to a sitting area and they sit down and start catching up. He tells her how he got here and she tells him all that happened after they left the maze. Even her and Thomas getting together.

"You and Greenie? Huh. Didn't expect that." He says

"I'll be honest, me neither...Hey would you mind if I asked to stay here? I don't want to go back."

"Sure you can stay here. I'll show you where the showers are and I can set up a place for you to sleep. Do you need some clean clothes?" Gally says

"Yes please. Hey Gally?"

"Yeah what's up?"

"I'm sorry for all that happened in the glade, and for leaving you behind"

"Me too. And don't worry about leaving me behind. I've put it behind me."

He shows her where the showers are and where he's gonna set her up for the night. He'll make it look nice. Or at least he'll try to. Blayk heads to the showers and hopes to god that no one comes in. Gally said it was shared so she is nervous. She doesn't need an old man looking at her tits, or anything else...She shakes the thought out of her mind. She trusts that Gally is making sure that no one is gonna come in. She finishes washing her hair and body and turns off the shower. She sees the clothes that's on the bench that Gally must've left her and puts them on.

 She sees the clothes that's on the bench that Gally must've left her and puts them on

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She walks out and goes to find Gally. He's the only person she knows in this new place and wants to be close to someone she knows. She doesn't want to be alone. She starts to think about Thomas and smiles at the thought of him. It's been up to a year since he's seen her and she's worried that he's moved on. He hasn't and thinks about her everyday but she doesn't know that. She couldn't possibly know that. 

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