07| Clubbing with VIP

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What the fudge? So all along I've not been in the loop about what's going on here

She sees my dumbfounded confused look " oh love I'm sorry I didn't know, I just texted Drew to ask him and look..." she picks up her phone, thumbs it and shoves it into my hand. It's a conversation between her and her brother, he texted her 10 minutes ago letting her know we were at Oliver and River's club, penny replied with a surprised face emoji which was left on read. It's quite obvious he did this on purpose.

" it's okay... wow uhh..this is a coincidence" I nervously laugh, the last thing I want is for Penny to think I'm being bitter over nothing. The guy won't even notice I'm around in this crowd. But seeing him up there, he was so sightly and a girl could only dream to be noticed by him, and girl definately wasn't me. Even with the dj booth being up there I can see him quite well, he's wearing yellow tinted sunglasses, I swear everything has always looked fine on him.

everybody starts screaming at the start of EDM music. Bodies moving in sync without a care, it feels like a rave honestly. Penny pulls me to the dance floor for a dance. The atmosphere is so infectious we start dancing with no care in the world, my other two friends are nowhere to be found, and the memory of a handsome ex all forgotten.

Penny shoves her drink into my hand, scrunching my nose I smell the strong liquor and shove it back into her hands, I don't drink and she knows it but I think she's too tipsy to remember that.

An hour later another tipsy friend crushes into me, wearing a confused look for a second Zeyni smiles upon recognising who she's crashed into. All my friends seem quite tipsy

" hey girlfriend, you won't believe what just happened, I saw dj storm, up there" she points towards the stage near the dj booth "and there..." she points towards the bar " at the exact same time, am I that drunk? It's like he was in two places at once" she cackles " ...come look" she pulls me across countless bodies

The first thing I spot is a bar, the second is a short haired replica of Ollie.

River Marks

I already knew when she dragged me here who she meant but I didn't so much as have a second to bail out before she dragged me along. I didn't want to see or make small talk with my ex's identical twin brother.

I find Jesse prattling with him about who knows what. Upon noticing me, River freezes, does a double take and makes a discrete motion of looking up towards the dj booth but quickly turns over from Jesse to me.

"Hailey, long time no see?" It come of as a question, and he titters a little like he's taken aback. " Ollie didn't let me know you were around or I would have invited you to the VIP Lounge"

Jesse and Zeynep perk up at the mention of a VIP lounge, seemingly a bit  confused still she leans in to Jesse questions him about her dilemma, she's trying to be discrete so River won't notice but she's a bit drunk to pull that off. Jesse giggles a little flicking his hand leisurely "they're twins silly", I zone them out trying to figure out what to tell River.

" He...he doesn't know I'm here" I nervously laugh suddenly finding my pastel pink short acrylics more fascinating than his look of surprise

" oh fuck... I'm sorry, I just thought since you here it's because..." he leaves that sentence lying in the air like we both know what he wanted to say.

this is so awkward

" ...in any case its definitely good to see you here, your friend has mentioned its her birthday and you're here celebrating" how Zeynep got a hold of Him and began such a conversation astounds me. But then again you can never get anything past these two.

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