03| Weddings

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Today is wedding day for Pennys aunt. I've met the couple two days ago for final wedding day fittins thT penny dragged me to, she had to be there to see her dress becauseapparentlythey were closer in age than I imagined, When Penny said it was her aunts wedding I didn't expect to meet a sweet young couple overly smitten with each other. Her aunt looked more like an older sister but she must have been born when Penelope's dad was already old enough to be her aunts father.

The venue is at a five star lodge in a secluded private property, not many guests but a hundred isn't a lot for a high profile wedding right? It's quite obvious money lives here... the reception area is adorned with white roses on the ceiling, its a black and white themed wedding. This is more than perfect, the matrimonial was a perfect affair, simple but perfect and by night the wedding reception is almost over.

I've seen Penny around here somewhere, it is her aunts wedding after all, but I've she's been too busy to really have a chat, I was hardly her date, she was mingling with family and childhood friends,  and me not knowing anyone I was stuck at the table drinking the movktail the bartender so kindly made me at the reception bar.

When I look around, I see my fri is visibly looking for something or someone, she spots me and smiles my way.

I try to make a run for it because she's approaching me with non other than Cash. I've got nothing against him at all, in fact he is a nice guy but its awkward being around him knowing what happened between his best friend and I. Let's just say we never really ended on good terms, maybe I'm the one who's  being awkward. I don't think a famous Dj has time to think about his past like I do.

It's rather easier though when I can just avoid making little talk with him with the topic of Oliver hanging over us, thing is we never were close even when Ollie and I were together. Not that he ever mentions him. We rarely ever see each other, Penny has always made sure of it without me ever asking. Infact I haven't seen him in a really long time now

"Hailey!" Penny waves me over but as soon as I'm a few feet away from her and Cash she's called over by her dad who simply smiles my way on their way out of eyesight. I'm not sure if the man likes me or not but he looks intimidating nonetheless. I'm left awkwardly shuffling on my weight from one foot to the other, I look up at Cash who grins at me gleefully.

Ohh boy here  goes nothing...

"Hey" I break the awkward silence, but seemingly I'm the only awkward one here because Cash simply scratches his day old mustache and picks up a nearby chair straddling it. He looks odd doing it while wearing a black tux I'm sure costs more than my three months earnings, he beckons me over to the chair tucked in the table separating us, "uhh I can't really sit I need to use the bathroom" I whisper pointing to the opposite direction of it.

I'm a really bad liar

 " I'm wounded babysis" he says playfully with a smirk on his face

He checks his rose-gold rolex "You know how many people would kill totalk to me right now" I laught at his playfulness, although it's true. "I'm sure you can spare me a second, so we finna have a catch up session" He grins letting me know he's caught on my lie.

I do as he says and the grin vanishes and he stares at me, studying me, "whats good?" He asks

"I'm pretty good" I give him a taute smile

he nods then chuckles a little " You seem on edge, remember me lil sis? Andrew Post?, Cash? Funny how a lotta people never forget my face" I laugh too, Cash might be a pop star but he's a friendly guy, not a stuck up who acts like the money's gone to his head.

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