09|Dinner dates

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That's all I could think about as I walked around the hospital corridors. I was ridiculously late for our dunch date, is that what they call it even, late lunch that could almost pass as dinner? It was almost 5pm and with the amount of work I still had to do before I left I was screwed

After being rotated like a student nurse at work I was placed in the maternity ward. I was scared at first because I hadn't worked there before but now I loved the idea and excitement of meeting and holding a baby for the first time before even her mother could.

The worst part though was kind of like today, the mother demanded an epidural before it was time for her to give birth, she cursed at us all, I did understand she was going through labour though, it's what kept my composure, a lot of thes ladies apologise afterwards.

" I don't want kids if I'll be cursing this much" Charlotte my british colleague I was working my shift with today complains. I simply lightly laugh as I write down on the patients sheet after she was finally administered her epidural.

Safe to say 20 minutes later she was holding her baby. That was a fast birth since it wasn't her first child, and she did issue an apology and asked if she could get us a tip. Would have been a great idea honestly but it wasn't allowed we accept gifts. Although I was excited to finally be done with my shift.


I have a date with my long lost friend Nevaeh that I need to get to. Navaeh and I met through modeling, years ago.

Since we were the only ones the  same age at our modelling agency we became instant friends that only met and hanged out when we had modelling gigs together. She was a model turned business women with a multi-millionaire husband, she was what every girl we did modeling with before aspired to be, except she'd always been humble about it.

The main reason we became friends in the first place was because of her warm hearted personality and her motherly love. She moved to LA before I did, as soon as she got married. And we haven't seen each other in two years.

When I get to my apartment it's unlocked and P is dashing about and that's when I remember it's the day of her exhibition. I feel like a bad friend, but in my defence I did remember this morning I just didn't do when I set up a 6 pm date with Nevaeh.

" Hailey, thank God you're here, I need to go, are you coming with?" she opens the fridge and grabs a water bottle

"well...not exactly, I have to meet a friend and I guess I'll get there afterwards...it's 7 p.m right?" I grimace a little, expecting a disappointed look

but she sighs in relief and nods her head pulling out a red apple and finally closes the fridge

" thank heavens you have to be somewhere, I thought I'd have to wait another hour for you to shower and change."

she makes her way to the door and I'm assuming she's about to leave, when she turns around last minute almost knocking the vase of flowers I'd failed to notice on the table next to the door, where we place our keys.

"before I forget, I think someone sent these for you" she points to the white fresh flowers


the last time I got flowers was possibly during my college graduation day from my family, and that was years ago

"why would you think they're mine?''

she gives me a deadpan look and retrieves the notecard neatly placed atop the flower arrangement and throws it my way, I duck out of instinct but it only falls less than 3 feet from her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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