Season 1 Episode 9 - Outta Luck

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Sean snapped at Marian.
Sarah visited her Grandfather - James Adams.
Eric asked an inmate for information on Sean.

Eric is sitting in his cell reading his book when a moment later, Matt enters his cell

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Eric is sitting in his cell reading his book when a moment later, Matt enters his cell. Eric looks to Matt as Matt says "I got that intel you wanted" Eric closes over his book as he stands up and says "Alright?" Matt clears his throat and says "I asked around and it turns out this Sean Wallace is the head of a organisation now. It was originally his Dad - Finn, but Finn got killed so Sean is on top and he's married to a girl named Sarah but get this I done my work on her too, turns out she's a Lisemann?" Eric says "Shes my kid, this is why I need to know about Sean. What about his business" Matt replies "He's in business with Asif Alfredi, real nasty Son of a Bitch, and there's others" Eric nods as a prison guard approaches Eric's cell and says "Eric, you got a visitor" Eric looks to Matt and says "We're gonna finish this conversation later" Matt nods his head in agreement as Eric walks past him and out of his own cell.

 What about his business" Matt replies "He's in business with Asif Alfredi, real nasty Son of a Bitch, and there's others" Eric nods as a prison guard approaches Eric's cell and says "Eric, you got a visitor" Eric looks to Matt and says "We're gon...

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Sean is standing in the kitchen as he is holding his mobile phone up to his ear as he continues his conversation "Sare, we are having a family dinner and that is that" Sean pauses for a moment and continues as he is speaking with Sarah over the phone "I'm not shouting at ya Beautiful, I'm just stressed Babe. Look just please come to the family dinner I need you there" Sean sighs as Laura walks into the kitchen. Sean turns his head and looks to Laura and he frowns and says "Look Babe I gotta go, Call me when you're on your way home, love you" and Sean lowers his mobile phone from his ear and he places his mobile down onto the kitchen table and he asks "Who let you in?" Laura says "Lenny knows who I am, and besides I'm here to see Sarah" Sean says "Well you're outta luck, she ain't here" Laura asks "Do you know when she'll be back?" Sean replies "It'll be a while" and he points to the front door behind Laura and says "There's the door" and Laura looks taken back and huffs "Tell her to call me" Laura turns around and walks off as Sean says loudly "I won't!" and Laura shouts "Arsehole!" and she walks out of The Wallace Household slamming the door behind her.

 Sean turns his head and looks to Laura and he frowns and says "Look Babe I gotta go, Call me when you're on your way home, love you" and Sean lowers his mobile phone from his ear and he places his mobile down onto the kitchen table and he asks "W...

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Sarah is sitting in the prison visitation room along with the other visitors when the prisoners walk towards their visitors. Eric walks into the room and he smiles to Sarah and approaches her as he sits down across from her "Hey Baby Girl" Sarah grins "Hi Dad, sorry if I'm barging in here" Eric scoffs and says "Sarah -Rose do you hear yourself? I'm glad you came, this is the highlight of my day besides you won't be having to visit me much longer" Sarah asks with confusion "What do you mean?" Eric replies with a grin spread across his face "I'm getting out in a few weeks" Sarah smiles "Dad, that's great". Eric says "Anyway enough about me, what's been going on with you. I wanna know everything" Sarah nods as she replies "Alright well, I actually married Sean" Eric questions "Wallace?" Sarah nods and Eric looks to Sarah and asks "Does he make you happy?" Sarah nods "He does, he really does" Eric smirks as he simply nods "Good, but if he ever hurts you, he's a dead man" Sarah looks to her Father "Actually we have a Son his name is Jake" Eric leans back in his chair and says with awe "I'm a Grandfather?" Sarah nods as she replies "Yeah and you're gonna be a Granddad again. I'm pregnant" Eric chuckles "Congratulations Baby Girl, that's amazing news. hows Connor?" Sarah replies "Actually Dad, I haven't seen Connor in three years. He left but we still keep in touch" Connor looks to Sarah with shock.

Later that night as Sarah is setting the table, Sean calls out "Jakey! Dinner's ready!" as Jaqueline and Billy walk into the dining room

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Later that night as Sarah is setting the table, Sean calls out "Jakey! Dinner's ready!" as Jaqueline and Billy walk into the dining room. Sean says "Alright everyone sit down. Alex has just texted me, they're on their way" Jaqueline sits down and says "This looks lovely" Sean replies "Yeah, you can thank Sarah for that. She cooked" Billy grins "Well in that case thanks Sara" Sarah grins. Marian walks into the dining table along with Jake and Sarah sighs in annoyance and Sean acknowledges his Wife's resistance and he tugs on her arm and ushers her aside away from everyone and he says "I know you're pissed at her, but she's my Mum and Jake's Gran. I don't want to keep separating you both, she's my Mum and you're my Wife so please just for tonight can you please be nice" Sarah looks back to the dinner table to see Marian, Billy and Jaqueline and Jake all serving up dinner and Sarah nods "I can't be nice but I'll be civil, I'm doing this for you and Jake" Sean smiles as he places both of his hands on the side of her face and leans in and gently kisses her forehead. Just then Ed walks in the front door followed by Alex and Shannon and Danny and Sean and Sarah grin and Sean says "Hey guys, come on through" and Sean and Sarah and Ed, Alex and Shannon and Danny walk into the dining room and all sit down. A moment later Sean stands up with a bottle of beer in his hand and he says "I just want to thank you all for coming here tonight, I know things have been difficult lately since my Dad's death but I want you all to know I love you all and we're a family" and Sarah grins up to Sean as they all raise their glasses and Sean sits back down at the head of the table and Sean leans forward towards Sarah and they both kiss and Alex watches them for a split second as he has a pained expression across his face which Shannon notices.

Shannon questions Alex on what she witnessed at the Family dinner.
Marian tries to make amends with Sarah.
Laura complains about Sean.
Sean tries to get to the bottom of Finn's murder.

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