Love and Pride

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This was the fear:

The fear of needing too much and becoming a burden,

Of speaking up and being seen as unkind,

Or unappreciative;

Of not loving enough and not doing enough to make a difference

Seeing so much happening in the world;

So much hurting and pain

And wanting so badly to help;

Wanting to take the pain away;

Wanting to reach out and say, "You are enough!"

"You are going to be okay"

"I'm here"

"I'm with you"

"You are loved beyond what you could ever imagine"

"You are worth so much more than you know"

"I hear you"

"I see you"

These words.

These words I will always say

But I rarely ever hear.

My motto:

"Allow them to feel the love that I wish I could.

Treat them the way I'd want to be treated

But never ask for too much"

Would leave me consistently wondering if I was ever enough.

But I realize

That the only way to love others well,

Is to also learn to love myself.

It pains me that there are people I can't reach.

It saddens me that there is still pain

And that there are people

Who are still contributing to and inducing that pain;

Shaming people for who they are,

Where they're from,

Who they love,

What they look like:

The God-given parts of their creation;

The beauty in their differences and diversity.

We were not meant to be uniform,

We were uniquely created and given purpose.

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made.

And We Are All Loved



And Unconditionally.

How is it that a people

Who were called to stand out because of their love

And mercy

And grace

Have begun to be known for their judgement and hypocrisy?

The very fact that people who share my name

Could contribute to the pain and oppression of anyone

Based on any basis or logic

Is devastating.

We can do better.

We Need to do better.

If Jesus came back today

And witnessed the way you treat others,

Would He be proud of the person you've become?

And knowing that every person,

Including the ones you look down on,

Are created in the image of God;

Someone who is worthy,

Someone who is so valuable

And loved by the Creator

That Jesus saw them as worth dying for;

When you look in the mirror

And recognize their full humanity

And see the harm you've caused

Or the impact you've had

On them 

And the world around you,

Take a moment

And be honest,

Are you proud of what you see?

Poems from a PeacemakerWhere stories live. Discover now