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JB dropped me off back home to get ready for Midsummers that night, which was apparently an annual party for kooks, which now included me. Although, as much as it seemed kind of insensitive considering everyone on the cut had no power due to the storm, I couldn't help but be excited. Plus, I knew Sarah was gonna be there and I really wanted to talk to her.

We got to the party and the first person I immediately saw was Kie so I caught up with her going over to Pope who was busy setting up for the food and drink. "Excuse me, sir. Do we have to shuck these ourselves?" She said in an English accent. He turned around looking pissed off as ever.

"'Cause, it might mess up our costumes." I continued in my best English accent. 

"We wouldn't want that now, would we?" He smiled and greeted the both of us, also going along with an awful attempt at the accent. "That accent was bad."

"It was. I was gonna let it go." Kie laughed. "You ever seen this many kooks in one place?"

"Yeah. Last year." Pope answered.

"We're in the lion's den."

"Exactly." He agreed. "Hey, have you heard from JJ?"

Kie said she hadn't but that he would be fine. "He's got the survival instincts of a cockroach."

"It's all my fault-" He started but I cut him off.

"I spoke to him earlier with JB. He was going on about fleeing the country or something but we talked him out of it. He'll be okay."

Right on cue the Cameron family walked out, Rose with some spiky crown thing on. "She's definitely gonna poke someone's eye out with that," Pope said and I couldn't help laughing.

The next thing I saw was Topper pulling Sarah off to the side to talk to her. "Hey, uh. I'll see you guys later. Let me know if JJ turns up or anything." They said they would and I headed in the direction of the couple. When I got there he was asking where she'd been and she told him out of town.

"Out of town? Well, where did you go?"

"Chapel Hill."

"Chapel Hill? What, with your family, or--"

"No. A friend."

"A friend. A friend. What friend?"

"What does it matter?"

"What friend? It matters. Was this, like, a girlfriend? Or-- No, or was it-- was it a guy? Was it a guy?"

I butted in. "She was with me. I said I wanted to go see the archives and I knew she could come with me and get us in."

"Yeah- you know you two do seem to have been spending a lot of time together." He said and I could see Sarah starting to look nervous so I took her hand and told him to leave her alone before we walked off.

Once we were out of the way I checked she was good, and before I had time to say anything else Wheezie appeared behind me and asked Sarah to go dance with her. "I'll see you later." She said and I nodded as I watched her walk away.

She didn't talk to me for the rest of the night and seemed to avoid my gaze whenever I looked over at her. After it had gone dark I saw JJ arrive, dressed as a waiter and he was carrying drinks around on a tray. I was standing with Pope when he walked past and I grabbed his arm to get him to stop since he didn't notice us. Before any of us had the chance to say anything Pope wrapped his arms around him, knocking him backwards. "Woah. Unexpected PDA there, Dr Spock. But, uh... hey, love you too man." JJ responded to the embrace, kissing him on the cheek.

"Dude, I'm sick over all this shit, man." Pope let go of him.

"You're sick? You don't seem sick."

"I'm sick on the inside."

"Right. Well, I already knew that."

I noticed the bruise on the side of JJ's mouth. "Did Shoupe do that?" I pointed to the area on my face.

He shuck his head. "Oh, this? No. This is-- It's my dad. You know? Has that right jab. Can really snap it off at times."

"That looks like more than a jab, bro," Pope added.

"It's nothin' that hasn't happened before."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let you take the fall for all this."

They argued back and forth about who should and shouldn't have gotten the blame before JJ cut him off completely. "Shut up, Pope! Shut up. For once in your life, trust someone else. John B and I got it all sorted out. We're gonna be filthy rich, man. We're back in the G-game, baby."

"G-game? I thought we lost the gold game." He said, confused.

"Yeah, well, we're in overtime now. Fourth and one, baby." He finished before heading off in Sarah's direction. I kept watching as he handed her a note. I knew it had to be from John B, I just wasn't sure why he would plan something without letting me know about it. I knew I'd gone back home and left them but he could've at least texted me or something.

I tried to keep track of where she was meeting him but I got distracted by JJ getting followed inside by Rafe and four of his friends. I followed behind so they didn't see me until they went into the men's room and I waited outside until I watched a security guard lead him out of the building. Sarah was already back with the crowd by that point so she was there to see the whole thing go down.

The first thing I saw was him downing some old guy's drink before holding his hands up. "It's okay, everybody! Do not panic. Leave it to the men and women in uniform. Let's hear it for them. Rose! You look like Lady Liberty. It's good to see you again.Hey, buddy, can I have one of those?" He took something off a tray.

"Hey! Let go of him! You can't boot him! I invited him here. I'm a member of this club." Kie got cut off by him shoving the security guard into a group of people and making a run for it. 

"Hey, mandatory power hour at Rixon's, Kie." He said. "You too Allie." Without a second thought the five of us left the party, but before we went into the trees I turned back to see Sarah smiling at us, and I could tell she wanted nothing more than to be with us, and to the side of her I saw Ward looking at me in disappointment.

Breathing Blue | OBX | Sarah CameronWhere stories live. Discover now