Gaara x Naruto

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Naruto was walking down the street, hands in his pockets with his head hanging low. "Tch, I should've known Sasuke would eventually leave me for someone better" He thought while reliving the last hour inside his head. The blonde had went to visit his boyfriend as he had completed all his college assignments already and didn't have any other classes for the next two weeks thanks to winter break, and he really wished he would've just went to see his two best friends Sakura and Ino instead.

But unfortunately, he loved Sasuke too much and the raven haired guy was always on his mind so of course he went to visit him. Naruto had a key to Sasuke's apartment and was going to surprise his boyfriend, well, now ex boyfriend, once he got there. Then of course they were going to have hot steamy sex on whatever surface they were close enough to. But the blonde's plans were immediately crushed when he walked into Sasuke's apartment to see him plowing into some girl that he'd never seen before.

"That's what hurt the most," Naruto thought, "when we first started dating seven months ago Sasuke told me that he's gay." But now that Naruto really thought about it, Sasuke's eyes always did linger on his female friends' chests a little too long. "Maybe he's bi, or maybe he was using me as some sort of.. backwards cover-up or something" the blonde thought with a sigh.

He was amazed at how calm he was feeling with all of this, but then again it could just be how he's coping since he's still in public. Naruto remembered the grin that slid onto Sasuke's face once he was aware of the person that had entered the room. It was almost as if this whole thing was a game, and the raven was wondering when he'd be caught by the blonde. With each thought Naruto found himself hurting more and more, he could feel his heart start to sink and his stomach start to feel empty while his chest just felt numb.

Naruto soon found himself outside of a local bar that he never cared enough to learn the name of, and that's where everything really began to go to hell. The blonde walked inside the bar, knowing full and well that nothing good was going to come of getting so drunk that he couldn't remember his own name, let alone Sasukes, but he also couldn't bring himself to care. Once he sat down on one of the bar stools he quickly ordered whatever the bartender suggested and began to scope out the place while he waited for his drink.

In a far back corner he could see some students he went to college with sitting in a booth, Naruto really didnt remember most of their names, but he knew for sure that the one in the green tracksuit was named Lee. He obviously wasn't close with them but they'd never done anything to get on his bad side either. He hummed lightly to himself as he watched his classmates joke around with each other while sipping beers before turning to see that aside from the young adults in the booth there were only three more people in the bar, he felt a little better to know that one of them was indeed Gaara Sabaku, a friend of his from college.

If he were to do anything too out of line, hopefully the redhead would notice and walk Naruto back to his dorm. Naruto turned around to notice that his drink had been set in front of him, and it only took one sip for the blonde to notice that this was too soft and sweet for his liking at the moment. He pushed the drink aside and asked the bartender, who's name appeared to be Sai, for some of the strongest shots they had.

The bartender chuckled, "Rough day?" before pouring some random ass shots for the blonde, at the moment the guy could've gave him poison and he wouldn't of cared. "Something like that." The blonde replied before picking one of the shots back and tossing it down his throat, the bitter taste and feel was much better than whatever the bartender had given him before. One shot quickly turned to five and it was safe to say that the blonde was completely drunk, but since he could still remember his name (and Sasuke's) he ordered a couple more.

Before he could take the sixth shot though, it was suddenly pulled from his hand and he could hear a quite familiar and deep voice beside him start to speak. "Give these to those kids back there instead." The dark-haired bartender nodded softly before putting the shots on a tray and taking them over to the young adults that sat in the booth.

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