part 1

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Carleigh came to school, prepared to fight off a wave of boys who were obsessed with her big breasts and voluptuous thighs. Everyone was obsessed with her, with her straight brown hair, and cream colored skin. She adjusted the cat ears atop her head. She realigned her slippers (ugg boots as she prefers to call them) and skipped her way to school. She met her friends up in the lunch area, and they all complimented her black vampire dress, decorated in spider webs and cheap mesh.

"I love your kitty sock carleigh!!" My friend T exclaimed, she always had her back.  Carleigh had struck up a conversation about her newest job assigned to her by Mojang, and her brand new trick she learned at her private circus that no one was allowed to see. After a few minutes of talking the bell rang and carleigh went to her first period of the day. Thats when she saw him. Carleigh has always had the biggest crush on Ashton, his blond hair stuck flat onto his head, freckles dotting his cheeks and arms. Carleigh had often fantasized about making out with him, their braces locking onto each other and them awkwardly trying to get them unstuck. Ashton was your typical nerd, but out of all the bad boys pining for her, she liked Ashton best. It didn't matter that he wasn't the most handsome, or that every boy at school had a huge crush on her, she only wanted Ashton. Ashton was different from the rest of them, he didn't adamantly flirt with her like everyone else. The only problem, was that she already had somebody.

  She had wanted to see Ashtons reaction if she started dating, but he didn't have one. She was sad and cried so hard she threw up.

   Carleigh continued daydreaming, until the teacher called on her and she fumbled over her words. The bell suddenly rang again and she made her way out of the class. Before she could make it to the end of the hall though, Ashton stopped her, by slamming his hand against the locker door.

It was so hot she almost moaned in delight! Her knees started to tremble and her face flushed, her crush was cornering her?

    "W-w-w-w-what d-d-do y-you need A-a-a-a-ass-a-Ashton??" She chocked out. She had a stuttering problem due to her anxiety and Tourettes, and she was afraid that her second personality, Carlos, would come out at any moment.

   "I want you to break up with your boyfriend" he growled under his breath. Carleigh wasn't expecting that.

   "W-w-w-w-what?" She said, stuttering, she also had adhd. "W-w-w-why??"

     "Because..." Ashton snapped. "I love you"

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